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The gymnasium buzzed with excitement as the final buzzer sounded, signaling the basketball team's victory. Nick Mendez, drenched in sweat but beaming with pride, high-fived his teammates as they celebrated their hard-fought win. Among the cheering crowd, Y/N watched proudly next to her father , smiling at her little brother with a thumbs up.

After the trio left the gym y/n sat front seat next to her dad pleading her case as to why her and Cj should be allowed to go to a party that night.

"Cmon dad Cj is 15 now and I'll be right next to him supervising the entire time I swear"

"No drinking."

Y/N turned around and looked at her little brother with a smile.


Later that evening, a victory party was in full swing at Royale's house and Cj begged y/n to join him. After the pair freshened up they headed towards the party in y/n's car. She was wearing a fit black mini dress with black heels to match. Looking over at her brother in the passenger seat she smiled.

"Sooooo how do you like your teammates?"

"Do you wanna know how I like them or how I LIKE them y/n?"

"Very funny but no seriously don't like them? They aren't giving you a hard time right?"

"No y/n they're not , they're cool so far just a little pushy that's all"

"Pushy how? Don't be a pushover lil bro plus you know your super amazing beautiful strong older sister has your back regardless." She laughed

The younger boy just shook his head with a chuckle and turned up the radio.


The living room was alive with music, laughter, and the sound of friends celebrating. Cj made his way to his teammates with his sister right behind him until she noticed a group of her friends and drifted off.

"Wassup guys" said Cj as he dapped up his teammates

"No way your pops actually let you come for once" Musa teased the younger boy

"Yeah only cus my big headed sister tagged along and he can't even mutter the words no to her" 

"Where is your sister by the way?" Nick asked "you know we have that English class together I have a question about an assignment."

"She's somewhere up in here , you'll find her eventually." Cj finished


Nick made his way through the crowd, his eyes fixed on Y/N as she moved gracefully through the room, her smile captivating. As he approached her, he couldn't help but feel a surge of nervousness. Y/N was different—she was CJ's sister, and she was off-limits. But as he caught her eye, he couldn't resist the urge to flirt.

"Hey there, celebrating the win?" Nick asked, flashing his most charming smile.

Y/N chuckled, a twinkle in her eye. "Of course! You guys played amazing out there. Congratulations."

"Thanks," Nick replied, feeling a sense of pride at her praise. "But I have to say, seeing you in the stands was the real highlight of the game for me."

Y/N raised an eyebrow, a playful smile tugging at her lips. "You talk to all of your teammates sisters like this or just me?"

Nick laughed, feeling more at ease in her presence. "All of them ," he teased. The girl rolled her eyes and stepped forward to walk away and make her way back to her friends "hey look I'm just kidding." He said as he reached for her arm

"You know I just want an excuse to talk to you , how long have I been tryna get you for? Since what? Sophomore year? Why you always playing hard to get mamí?"

"Maybe because I see you with every girl talking the exact same way."

"Nah you know damn well I ain't never been with nobody else like I am with you." Nick stated "just spend the party with me , if you don't have fun I'll quit."



As the night went on, Nick and Y/N found themselves talking and laughing and for once Y/N was actually enjoying her time around the Puerto Rican boy. Nick was captivated by Y/N's wit and charm, and Y/N was charmed by Nick's confidence and humor.

As the party began to wind down, Nick found himself reluctant to say goodbye. "Sooooo?" he asked

"So what?"

"Cmon you know what I wanna hear did you have fun or not?"

"I think me smiling so hard my teeth hurts answers your question." She laughed "I guess one date wouldn't hurt."

"You guess? , girl stop playing you know you love me"

"Like for sure , love is crazy though"

Y/N smiled, a hint of mischief in her eyes. "No seriously though I'd love to!"

Nick grinned, finally getting the girl he'd been wanting for the longest. "Bet , watch this boutta be the best date of your sexy ass life."

"Oh really now?" Y/n said stepping toward the boy

"Yeah.... really"

And then, as if guided by an invisible force, their lips met in a soft, tentative kiss.

Time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in each other, the world fading away until there was only the sensation of their lips moving together in perfect harmony. The kiss deepened, igniting a fire within them both that burned hotter with each passing moment.

When they finally pulled away, breathless and flushed with desire, Nick and Y/N shared a knowing smile, their connection stronger than ever before. In that moment, they knew that they had found something special—a spark that had ignited in the darkness of the night and would continue to burn bright long after the party had ended.

After finding Cj , the sibling duo headed back home

"So you and Mendez just be getting freaky huh? What's that about" the boy smirked

"Boy bye"

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