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Phil Marksby stood in front of the mirror, adjusting his tie nervously. Today was going to be a bittersweet day—a day filled with love, laughter, and a tinge of sadness. He glanced at the clock and realized Y/N would be arriving soon. They had been counting down the days until this moment, their last day together before heading off to colleges across the country. Phil would be attending Howard university in Washington where as y/n would be going to Texas southern university in Texas. The two have never been apart for so long and the thought of having over 1000 miles in between them consistently flooded their mind.

As he waited, memories flooded his mind—late-night conversations, shared dreams, and the unbreakable bond they had formed over the years. Phil couldn't imagine his life without Y/N by his side, but the reality of their impending separation loomed over him like a dark cloud.

The doorbell rang, snapping Phil out of his reverie. He rushed to answer it, a smile spreading across his face as he saw Y/N standing there, looking radiant as ever. Her eyes lit up when she saw him, and she threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

"Hey, babe," Y/N said, planting a soft kiss on his lips. "Are you ready for our last day together?"

Phil nodded, his heart heavy yet filled with love for the girl standing before him. "I have the whole day planned out for us," he said, leading her inside.

Their day began with a leisurely breakfast at their favorite café, where they reminisced about their fondest memories together. They laughed, they teased, and they held onto each other as if time was slipping away too fast.

After breakfast, Phil surprised Y/N with tickets to an outdoor concert—an artist they both loved and had listened to countless times together. They sang along to every song, swaying to the music, their hands intertwined.

As the day progressed, they decided to visit their favorite spots around town, creating new memories to cherish. They strolled through the park hand in hand, exchanged playful banter at the arcade, and shared a quiet moment by the river, watching the sun set in a blaze of colors.

As evening approached, Phil took Y/N to a secluded spot overlooking the city—a place they had discovered early in their relationship. He spread out a blanket and set up a picnic, complete with Y/N's favorite foods and a bottle of champagne aka sparkling apple juice .

As they sat together, watching the city lights twinkle below them, Phil couldn't hold back his emotions any longer. "Y/N," he began, his voice wavering slightly, "I know today is supposed to be about celebrating our time together, but I can't help but feel sad about tomorrow."

Y/N turned to him, her eyes filled with understanding. "I know, Phil," she said softly. "But our love is stronger than any distance. We'll make this work, no matter where life takes us. Of course it's gonna be hard, bro's gonna have to put it in a lot of effort and it's gonna take a lot of trust. This is new for us, but will be fine"

Phil nodded, feeling a sense of comfort wash over him. He took her hand in his and looked into her eyes. "I love you more than words can express, Y/N," he said, his voice filled with sincerity.

"I love you too, Phil," Y/N replied, tears glistening in her eyes. "And no matter where we go, you'll always have a piece of my heart."

They stayed there for a while longer, lost in each other's embrace, cherishing every moment they had left together. And as they watched the stars appear in the night sky, they knew that their love would endure, no matter the distance between them.

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