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Jace Carson had been planning the perfect surprise for his girlfriend, Y/N, for weeks. He knew how much she loved winter activities, so he decided to take her on an ice skating date at the picturesque outdoor rink in their town.

On the evening of the date, Jace picked Y/N up, a mischievous smile playing on his lips as he kept the destination a secret. When they arrived at the ice rink, Y/N's eyes lit up with delight.

The rink was beautifully decorated with fairy lights, and soft music played in the background, adding to the romantic ambiance. Jace helped Y/N put on her skates, his heart skipping a beat at the sight of her smiling up at him.

As they stepped onto the glistening ice, Jace took Y/N's hand in his, guiding her with gentle expertise. Y/N laughed as she wobbled slightly, finding her balance with Jace's reassuring presence by her side.

They skated together, their movements synchronized as if they were dancing on ice. Jace couldn't take his eyes off Y/N, her cheeks flushed from the cold, her laughter filling the air like music.

They skated hand in hand, spinning and twirling under the starlit sky. Jace couldn't resist pulling Y/N into his arms, holding her close as they glided gracefully across the rink.

As the night progressed, they took breaks to warm up with hot cocoa, sharing sweet kisses and whispered promises of love. The magic of the winter night wrapped around them, creating a moment they would never forget.

Tomorrow was the big day though , the day Jace would be asking y/n to prom in front of the entire school. He knew this would only go one way; her saying yes and everyone cheering but he still couldn't help but be nervous for the girls reaction. What if she didn't like it or didn't want to even go in the first place.

On the day of the promposal, during lunchtime, the cafeteria buzzed with excitement as students chatted and enjoyed their meals. Jace had coordinated with some friends to set up a special surprise for Y/N.

As Y/N entered the cafeteria, she was greeted with cheers and applause, causing her to look around in surprise. Jace stood at the center of the room, holding a big teddy bear and a bouquet of her favorite flowers.

"Y/N!" Jace called out, his voice filled with love and excitement. "I have something important to ask you."

All eyes turned to Jace and Y/N as he made his way towards her, the teddy bear and flowers held out in front of him. Y/N's heart raced with anticipation, a smile spreading across her face.

"Y/N," Jace began, his gaze never leaving hers. "Will you go to prom with me?"

The entire cafeteria erupted into cheers and applause as Y/N's eyes widened in delight. She nodded enthusiastically, unable to contain her happiness.

Jace handed her the teddy bear and flowers, his heart swelling with joy as he saw the happiness radiating from Y/N's face. They shared a sweet kiss, the moment filled with love and excitement.

The rest of the lunch period was spent celebrating their promposal, with friends coming over to congratulate them and share in their joy. Jace couldn't have been happier, knowing that he had made Y/N feel special and loved in front of their entire school.

Prom night was sure to be magical, but the promposal itself was a memory that Jace and Y/N would cherish forever, a testament to their love and the wonderful journey they were on together.

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