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Y/N had always been fascinated by tattoos, their ability to tell stories and express emotions through art. So, when she decided to surprise Nick Mendez, her boyfriend, with a fake tattoo of his name, she knew it would be a playful yet meaningful gesture.

Although although the girl knew she was much too young for a tattoo, let alone one of her boyfriends name she couldn't help but think of the idea of actually getting with real one one day. As stupid as it sounds, she thought it'd be a cute gesture, but the idea of them breaking up also haunting her. She would feel so fucking stupid if she got a tattoo of a boy name and they didn't end up together.

She carefully applied the temporary tattoo on her wrist, ensuring it looked realistic enough to fool anyone who saw it. With a mischievous smile, Y/N admired the inked "Nick" on her skin, feeling a rush of excitement at the surprise she had in store.

Later that day, when Nick came over to study just like the pair did every Monday and Wednesday , Y/N made sure her wrist was strategically visible as they watched a pulled out their physics books together. She pretended not to notice when Nick's gaze lingered on her wrist, his expression curious.

"What's that?" Nick finally asked, pointing to the tattoo.

Y/N feigned innocence, fluttering her lashes. "Oh, this? It's just something I got recently."

Nick leaned closer, examining the tattoo with interest. "Is that my name?"

Y/N bit her lip, trying to contain her laughter. "Maybe."

Nick's eyes widened in surprise, a grin spreading across his face. "You got my name tattooed? That's... unexpected."

Y/N nodded, playing along. "I wanted to show you how much you mean to me." Y/N sat beside Nick, her eyes sparkling with love as she explained the reason behind her playful gesture with the fake tattoo. "Nick, I just love you so much," she began, her voice filled with sincerity and adoration. "I wanted everyone to know that you're mine, that you hold a special place in my heart, and that I'm proud to call you mine."

Nick's eyes softened as he listened, a smile tugging at his lips. "Y/N, hearing you say that means everything to me," he replied, his voice filled with warmth. "I feel the same way about you, and I'm grateful every day to have you in my life."

They shared a sweet moment, their love for each other shining brightly, a testament to the depth of their connection and the happiness they found in being together.

Nick pulled her into a hug, his laughter contagious. "You're crazy as fuck though , you know that? But I love it."

As the evening progressed, Y/N kept up the charade, pretending the tattoo was real whenever anyone asked about it. Nick played along, enjoying the playful banter and the secret they shared.

It wasn't until they were alone that Y/N revealed the truth, peeling off the fake tattoo with a giggle. Nick laughed too, pulling her into a kiss filled with love and amusement.

"I can't believe you did that," Nick chuckled, shaking his head fondly.

Y/N grinned, snuggling closer to him. "It was worth it just to see your reaction. Plus, now I know how convincing my acting skills are."

Nick leaned his forehead against hers, his eyes sparkling with affection. "You never cease to surprise me, Y/N. And I wouldn't have it any other way."

Their laughter echoed through the room, a testament to the playful and loving bond they shared, fake tattoo and all.

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