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It was a crucial game for the Swagger basketball team, and Nick Mendez was giving it his all on the court. Dribbling past defenders with finesse, he drove towards the basket for a layup when suddenly, a collision with an opponent left him clutching his ankle in pain. The gym fell silent as Nick grimaced, unable to put weight on his injured leg.

Y/N, sitting in the stands, felt her heart skip a beat as she watched Nick go down. She quickly made her way to the court, concern etched on her face. With the help of the team's athletic trainer, they got Nick off the court and into the locker room for an assessment.

Nick winced as the trainer examined his ankle, confirming that it was a sprain. Y/N stood by his side, offering words of comfort as he processed the disappointment of being sidelined due to the injury.

"I'm sorry, babe," Nick murmured, frustration evident in his voice.

"Don't be sorry, Nick. It's not your fault," Y/N reassured him, squeezing his hand gently. "You gave it your all out there. And stop being so damn hard on yourself stink , you didn't mean for any of this to happen and your human it's okay."

As the team continued to play without Nick, Y/N stayed with him in the locker room, helping him with ice packs and elevating his leg to reduce swelling. She kept him company, making light conversation to distract him from the pain.

"You know," Y/N said with a playful smile, "this gives us an excuse to binge-watch your favorite shows together."

Nick chuckled despite the discomfort, appreciating Y/N's efforts to lighten the mood. "I guess every cloud has a silver lining."

After the game, Y/N helped Nick hobble to his car, supporting him on one side while he leaned on crutches. The gymnasium was emptying out, but Y/N's focus was solely on Nick, making sure he was comfortable and steady. With gentle patience, she guided him into the passenger seat and carefully buckled him in before driving them home. Along the way, they shared soft conversations, with Y/N offering reassurance and Nick expressing his gratitude for her constant care. Arriving to nicks house , Y/N helped Nick inside and settled him on the couch with pillows and blankets, ensuring he had everything he needed within reach. She stayed by his side, waiting for his mom to come home from work so that she could take over.

As Y/N drove home from Nick's house, her mind was filled with worry and concern for him. She replayed the image of him hobbling on crutches, the slight grimace of pain on his face, over and over again. Her heart ached at the thought of Nick being injured and unable to play the game he loved so much. Despite his attempts to downplay the severity of the injury and assure her that he would be fine, Y/N couldn't shake off the worry gnawing at her. She couldn't help but think about all the possible complications or setbacks he might face during his recovery. Her fingers tapped nervously on the steering wheel, a silent prayer on her lips for Nick's speedy recovery and well-being.

The next day after school, Y/N made her way to Nick's house, determined to lift his spirits. She carried with her a backpack filled with his homework assignments and a basket filled with his favorite snacks, along with a fluffy teddy bear she knew he would appreciate. Knocking on the door, she was greeted by Nick's smile as he opened it, still on crutches but looking slightly more at ease than the day before.

"Hey," Y/N said softly, offering him the basket and the teddy bear. "I brought you some goodies to cheer you up."

Nick's eyes lit up with gratitude as he took the gifts from her. "You're so fucking cute baby, Thank you."

They settled in the living room, with Y/N helping Nick with his homework and keeping him company as he worked through the assignments. The snacks provided a welcome distraction, and the teddy bear found a place next to Nick on the couch, eliciting a smile from him every time he glanced at it.

As they spent time together, Y/N's presence brought comfort to Nick, easing the frustration of being sidelined from basketball. Her thoughtful gesture and unwavering support reminded him of how lucky he was to have her by his side.

As Nick's ankle slowly healed, their bond grew stronger. They spent quality time together, whether it was watching movies, playing board games, or simply enjoying each other's company. Y/N's constant presence and affectionate care helped Nick not only recover physically but also emotionally.

By the time Nick was ready to return to the basketball court, he felt grateful for the experience. The injury had taught him the importance of resilience and the value of having someone like Y/N by his side through thick and thin.

On the day of his comeback game, Nick stepped onto the court with renewed determination, glancing at Y/N in the stands with a grateful smile. As he scored point after point, he knew that their love and support had been the driving force behind his recovery, both on and off the court.

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