3) Sprinkler(Amelie)

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He closed the door and just walked away.

I turned to look at my room, he made me hate it. Everything about it had something to do with him. Every poster, every piece of art, the color of the wall, the rug on the floor, the comforter on my bed, it all had something to do with him. I had to remind myself that I was allowed to have reminders of someone who had had such an impact on my life.

I laid everything out of the bags and gave Scout another bottle before laying her down for bed. I began to pack the diaper bag when my phone lit up with a call from mom.

"Hey." I answered the call.

"Hey honey, how's it going?"

"You'd never guess what I'm doing right now." I said with a laugh.

"Oh god what is it?"

"Packing a diaper bag."

"Dear heavens! I've only been gone two months and you've gone and had my grandchild." My moms fake sob rang through the phone.

"It's a project for my prepare class, we got partnered and you have to raise a kid with them."

"Oh good, at least you don't have to be a single mother. Who's the lucky guy?"

"Actually it's Weston." I sighed.

"Oh my goodness, Brooke is going to be so happy when I tell her Wes and you are parents to a doll, what's our grand babys name?"

"Scout Myers."

"That's just precious, Brooke, Brooke, Brooke, I have exciting news for you to hear." I heard my mom frantically searching the house her and Auntie Brooke were staying in.

"What is it Emma?" I heard Auntie Brooke say.

"Tell her Amelie, tell her the exciting news." My mom squealed.

"Ok ok, I'll tell her, Weston and I got partnered for a project where we have to raise a doll as co-parents."

"Omg." Auntie Brooke and my mom both squealed with excitement.

"They named her Scout isn't that just darling." My mom said, Mom and Auntie Brooke continued on about Scout for a solid five minutes before finally being done.

"Oh I'm just so happy you and Weston are friends again." Auntie Brooke sighed.

"We're not friends, we have to do this for a project." I clarified.

"Well you never know what might blossom from this project." Auntie Brooke said with hope. Mom and Auntie Brooke have always dreamed of Weston and I getting married, and living happily in the fairy tale they have created in their minds. Neither of them have quite gotten over the fact that there will never be a future where Weston and I are anything more than strangers with a past.

"Nothing will blossom mom, I won't let it. I'm sorry guys but there's no hope of your fairy tale for Weston and I."

"A mother can dream Amelie, one day you'll understand."

My mom and I continued to talk about our days and just simply how life had been and how Mila was.

"Ok well the diaper bag is all packed now, I really need to be getting to bed now mom." It was already a little past midnight.

"Ok I guess, good night Amelie I love you to all the stars and back."

"Good night mom, I love you to each and every star and back too."

We hung up the phone and I climbed into bed. Just as I was drifting and my eyes were getting heavy and my mind was going quiet. A loud cry rang through my silent dorm.

"For fucks sake." I groaned rolling out of bed. I got up and changed her diaper before shoving her pacifier in and laying her back down.

I rolled around in my bed for another hour not being able to fall asleep. I contemplated just getting up and getting a start to my Saturday morning. But I enjoyed sleeping in on weekends.

I thought about Weston and how I could do my best to continue to hate him. But he was a hard man to hate. He was kind and generous, but it was hidden behind his brooding outer layer. He liked to think he was cool and mysterious but he wasn't all that. The more I thought of him the more I let my mind wander into the fairytale my mom and Auntie Brooke always talked about. The ones where Weston and I ended up married with four kids because that was the only grandkids they'd ever get. The ones where we were wonderful parents and partners but also best friends. Where we were everything and more to each.

I rolled over and slammed my face into my pillow. Trying to drown out the noise of my own mind.

Eventually I dozed off to sleep.


At the ripe time of way-too-early-to-be-doing-anything Scout started screaming. I got up in a frenzy, my brain scattered. I rushed over to the crib and began picking her up. I assumed she needed her diaper changed so I undid the velcros. I got the diaper off and noticed there wasn't any water. At that moment Scout decided it was the perfect time to start the sprinkler. Water started getting flung at me. In my eye, up my nose, all over my clothes and face.

"Scout!" I screamed like that would help, she's an animatronic doll. Eventually she stopped and I replaced her diaper with a new one.

"You better do that to your dad tomorrow." I whispered as I began to change her into her outfit. It wasn't extremely cold out but I opted for a coral long sleeve onesie with the words 'Mommy's little twin' written across it and jean pants plus an added zipper jacket.

Scout and I hung out while I worked on school stuff. I was getting quite bored of sitting at home on a Saturday morning even though it was only eight. I shot off a text to Mila.

Me: Hey, Mi want to do something today?

Mila has always been a quick responder so in a matter of minutes she replied back.

Mila: Yeah, we could go out for lunch and idk maybe go shopping?

Me: Yes that sounds to die for, I have to bring Scout though and we'll probably have to make a trip to Westons at some point to drop her off.

Mila: Yeah that all sounds fine by me, I'll be over in 5 to pick you up xoxo.

Me: Kk see you soon <3.

I scooped up Scout and got her ready for an outing. I made sure I had food and her bottle packed. Plus all her clothes for Weston.

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