25) Game(Weston)

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I can't get her out of my head. She consumes nearly every thought that crosses my mind. I've gone from just barely being a stalker, to just plain stalker. Any second I'm free in my day I'm finding her and just watching her. Somehow even just looking at her calms my nerves.

The sound of Nash's angry voice snapped me out of my stupor.

"Fucking focus Weston."

Were doing some light one touch passing and I kept rocketing the ball past him.

"Just making you work for it, Nashy."

"More like you're distracted as shit and just playing it off." I pass the ball back to him gently and he launches it past me. I give him a dirty look and he laughs.

"Just making you work for it Wessy." Nash said repeating my words to me. I jogged off and got the ball.

I hope she wears the jersey.

We only had ten minutes until the game and she still wasn't here.

I watched the seconds count down, still not seeing her in the stands. 

My nerves were high as I walked towards the captain's circle. I shook the players' hands against my own will, along with the coaches and the referees. We were playing our rivals, the Royals. Stupid name we know. The Royals versus the Knights, it was a perfect rivalry.

"Play fair, play good," the referee said, before tossing the coin into the air.

"Heads." I called out as the coin hit his hand. Noah, the head captain on the other team, glared at me for getting first call. The ref slowly lifted his hand off of the coin, sure enough it was heads.

"We'll take the left side, they can kick first." Coach always made us face the sun if we had a choice. He figured get it over with and try to make the come back if we were down. Which we never are.

I went back over to the teams, Bentley and Nash following.

"We got left field, they kick first." I said approaching the team.

"Good job. Ok everyone huddle up." Coach said, wrapping us into a circle. "You better play your damn hearts out, just like every game. Don't play dirty, play with some fucking dignity. If they start pushing, tell the ref to open their blind ass eyes and watch. Playing fair and playing good is the only way to make them suffer. Making them eat dirt won't do shit besides getting a good laugh." Coach wasn't exactly a kind soul. Honestly most people thought he was a jackass and should be fired. Which yeah, he was a dink. He's been ejected from countless games from arguing with the ref.

"Coach is right guys, pushing them isn't going to help us. Play with your skills, not your emotions. I know all of us have shit with a player over there. Believe me I fucking know. You can talk shit to them all you want, you can get them worked up. But you can not under any circumstances let them get under your skin. Play fair boys and the game will go our way." I gave a small wink to the team before whispering. "Just don't get caught." For all I care, I hope my team fucking run these players over. 

We broke out of our circle and entered the field. I was center forward so I walked to the very edge of the circle.

"How's the pretty lady doing West?" Noah taunted. We've known each other since we were five. He was there when Amelie and I were best friends and he hated every second of it. He's always had a strange obsession with Amelie.

"In your fucking dreams Noah."

"I didn't say anything West, don't get so worked up over a girl." He shut up just before the ref was in hearing distance. The ref placed the ball in the center and backed away. I did one more quick scan of the crowd. My eyes snagged every time I saw a blonde girl wearing a white shirt with navy lettering. Which was quite often. I kept looking, not seeing her.

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