6) Panic(Weston)

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 She shouldn't be here, and she definitely should not be wearing those shorts. They stopped just below the curve of her ass and if she walked just right you got a nice little peak of what her ass would look like bare.

After she marched over to me and asked about Scout I shot a text off to Bentley and asked how the kid was.

Benny Boo: Its a fucking doll man, shes as good as ever.

Me: Haha, just wait till the water works start. P.s. there's no way to turn her off, believe me I've tried.

Benny Boo: Water works? For fucks sake man please don't tell me she cries.

Me: And a whole lot else. If the water works start there is food, her bottle and a pacifier in the bag I gave you. There are also spare diapers in there. Have the bestest time Benny Boo xoxo.

Benny Boo: You're a sick person Wessy Woo.

I let out a laugh before shoving my phone back into my pocket and trying to find Amelie in the crowd of people. She wasn't hard to find, it was like she was a magnet that attracted me. Apparently she also attracted others' attention. I watched as Lucas Brooks came up behind her. He was a notorious fuck boy who contantly had someone in his bed. She didn't seem to care, just continued to sway to the music. My patiences was getting tested tonight as I watched her do a light grind against his pelvis. I continued to watch her as she tried to talk a step forward but Lucas' arm locked and it kept her trapped. That was my que, as I walked closer to them I could tell she was trying to talk to him. What she said really must have pissed him off because his face turned red. Why hadn't she screamed? Why hadn't she kicked and flailed and caused a scene to get him the fuck off of her?

"Let her the fuck go, Lucas." I looked down to see Amelies pleading eyes. By the way she was looking at me I could tell Lucas was planning on doing something awful. And if that plan went through in any way, I would have served the rest of my life in jail happier than ever.

"Come on now West, we're just having a little fun, ain't that right baby." His words made her visibly grimace. Lucas was testing my will power over someone I already did not have a lot to give over.

"She doesn't look like she's having fun to me, now let her go." I gave him two chances which is more than I give the average person given Lucas and I play together. He was wasted. I could tell that, I know he never would do something like this otherwise, or maybe he would? I don't know him all that well, but drunk or not it doesn't give him an excuse to sexual assault someone. I counted down from five hoping he would make the right choice and just let her go, either way he was getting punched. It was just whether I had to pry her out of his grip or not. I looked to my left and saw Nash there. I made my move then, I grabbed Amelie swiftly and pushed her into Nash's already outstretched arms. I pushed Lucas to the ground and started landing blow after blow. He didn't even get a single word or punch in before I was on top of him with his hands nicely stuck beneath my knees. I could feel someone was trying to pry me off. I didn't care, I just kept hitting.

"He's not fucking worth it West!" I heard Nash say. He's not worth it? Well if he's not worth it then I don't know who the hell is. He touched someone, no one else should touch except me.

"Goddamnit man let him go before you kill him." He should die. I finally stood up and examined my hands. They were covered in blood and I could already feel the bruises setting in. I looked down at what was once a mildly attractive man, whose face was now covered in blood and his nose was bent unnaturally to the left.

"The party is fucking over, everyone go home." I yelled as I exited the crowd. I jogged away from The Front, too many things running through my head. He was going to rape her. I heard footsteps following behind me. I already knew it was Nash so I decided to make him regret following me as I continued to run. I ran nearly two miles to the boardwalk where he couldn't scream at me or we'd get a lot of funny stares. It may have been late but the boardwalk was always lively. I jogged to the railing and rested my forearms against it, regaining my breath. Nash came up beside me.

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