18) Pierson(Amelie)

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I don't know who had taken over me and spoke those words. But it sure as hell wasn't me. What was I thinking? I can't be in a bet with him where it may or may not end with me naked in his bed.

    Why do I find it so hard to hate him?

    Because believe me, I want to.

    I want to hate him so fucking bad, and make him sad to have ever left me. I want him to grovel with himself and beg for my forgiveness. But he doesn't have to do any of that. God he's never even said sorry. Yet here I am, falling helplessly for him once more.

    We made it through the aisles of the shop, picking up the premature diapers for Scout before turning back towards the entrances.

    "Weston?" I heard a voice say from behind us. I could almost feel Weston become rigid. He plastered a smile on his face before turning around carefully and positioning himself in front of me.

    "Hey Pierce, how are you?"

    "Good, who's the gorgeous girl?" He said, eyeing me.

    "No one you need to know Pierce, she's mine."

    "You've given too much information West," He said with a tsk, "you've only ever called one girl yours. Amelie, pleasure to finally meet you." The mysterious man said, coming closer to us. Weston grabbed him by his arm before he got any closer.

    "I swear to God Pierson if he hears about this, you are a dead man." He gritted out between clenched teeth.

    "I wouldn't rat on you Weston," The guy said shrugging out of the hold, "but he'll find out. He always does." They shared a look that made me want to ball my eyes out. It was filled with so much pain and sorrow. Weston stepped aside, allowing Pierson a full look.

    "Amelie, it really is a pleasure to meet you." Pierce reached out a hand for me to shake. For some reason my gaze went to Weston for him to tell me it was ok. He gave a small nod.

    "How do you two know each other?" I slid my hand into the unfamiliar grip. He gave me a firm shake before dropping my hand.

    "Pierson works for my dad." Weston shot out.

    "Oh, why are you all the way out here then?"

    "Just taking some time off, I own a cabin on the lake a few miles from here. You guys should stop by, Iris would love to see you again West."

    "Is Iris your wife?" I said, eyeing the gold wedding band around his finger.

    "No, she's my daughter. Her mother had an unexpected death." He stared into the distance for a second.

    "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean–"

    "It's alright Amelie, you didn't know." He said with a sad shrug, "Well I'll leave you two to whatever you're doing, but I've got to ask. Why the fuck are you buying diapers?" He snickered.

    "Mr. Hayes decided for our final project we had to raise a doll. I've got to say, I admire you for being a single dad, I don't know how I would manage a kid by myself." Weston said sincerely.

    "You do what you have to do. I'll be staying at the cabin for the next few weeks, just give me a call when you want to come by so I can make sure Iris and I are home." He turned and left without another word.

    "Do you talk about me?" I asked, looking up at him. He stared back at me with a puzzled look.


    "He said it was a pleasure to finally meet me."

    "Yeah Amelie, I talk about you a lot. Especially to Pierce, he's easy to talk to, and likes to listen."

    "How old is he?"

    "Why, you like him? Because trust me, that heart is closed off."

    "No I don't like him! And I thought he wasn't married."

    "He has a kid Amelie, Pierce isn't someone to just get a girl pregnant for the fun of it. They were truly in love. The deepest, most gut wrenching movie shit you've ever seen. That heart will forever be hers. But I hope for him and for the sake of Iris he learns to give some to another girl."

    "What happened to her?"

    "The expected unexpected."

    "That doesn't make sense."

    "Good, I don't want it to." He said stalking away.


If you guys couldn't tell, I like writing in Weston's POV much better. Sorry about another short chapter!

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