Can't Lie

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It was a rainy afternoon, both Seungcheol and Y/n are in their bed cuddling to each other, Y/n fell asleep on Seungcheol's arm as he played with her hair, he smiled to himself thinking about how lucky he must be to have this strong and brave girl in his life.

He knew that it's been hard for her too since he is a Kpop idol while she is just a normal office worker, she is also studying psychology for college once again and it's been a hectic week for her, he knows how much stress she's been through, and he knows that it's hurting her too just as much as it's hurting him.

He is thankful that it rained today, no work for him, no work for her and so is no school for her. This is kind of a break, it's been raining a lot this week so, all their classes have been suspended until next week that's why, y/n is away from stress again, but not Cheol.

He will have to leave early tomorrow for their upcoming concert in Osaka, Japan. The thought of it makes him happy and sad at the same time, Carats hadn't known about his relationship yet, neither did they want for them to know it. Only the members and the company know about it.

They've been together for 5 years now and Seungcheol is planning to give her a surprise engagement party but, because of their hectic schedule he still can't make the plan possible yet, he stares at her sleeping figure on his arm and thinks, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I can't lose you.. at least not again.. I will let the world know how much I love you... Someday, I promise you that. He smiled at her and kissed her on her forehead.

The next day, it is finally time for Seungcheol and the others to leave for their concert in Japan, Y/n is sad for a little while but manage to think positively about it, she went with them to the airport and bid her goodbye to the members and Cheol inside their van before they went out, Cheol gave y/n one last kiss before facing the fans on the airport, their manager quickly closed the van's door so that y/n wouldn't be seen.

They finally arrived in Osaka, Seungcheol are roommates with Joshua, they opened a weverse live, there, Carats asked a lot of questions according to the concert and all but one particular question caught Joshua's attention.

"Hyung, a fan ask, "Does any members have a girlfriend already?" Should we really answer this?" Joshua said while nervously laughing at Seungcheol.

"Caratdeul.. you'll know soon once they announced it." Seungcheol replied while laughing.

"Yah! You traitor!" Joshua said jokingly smacking Cheol's arm.

The two of them enjoyed laughing and talking to each other, suddenly, Cheol's phone started ringing, he looks at the I.D caller and sees his beloved person's name and answered the phonecall outside of their hotel room.

Italics - Y/n
Normal - Cheol

Cheol: Yes my baby?

Y/n: Have you arrived there?

Cheol: Yes we did, me and Joshua are in the middle of WeLive now.

Y/n: Really? I'm sorry for calling, baby... I was just worried... I'm so sorry...

Cheol: It's okay, baby. You don't have to worry about it. Plus, I've been waiting for your call ever since we've arrived here.

Y/n: Aww, my baby... Anyways, that's all. I've got to go back to work by tomorrow... I need to sleep early... I love you, Choi Seungcheol.

Cheol: Okay, sleep well and sweet dream... Dream of me please. I love you too, Y/n L/n.

Call Ended

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