Glad You're Settling

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Three Years.

It's been three whole years and I still can't believe that I'll be marrying the man of my life, the reason for my smiles, the reason why I'm still here, the father of my child and now my future husband.

Two years ago, both me and DK made a mistake, we had a kid before we even graduated from college but it was fine, we did a great job in parenting, and now, we just graduated from college and our daughter, Dahyun, is already three years old, our wedding is already set tomorrow morning.

I woke up from a nightmare, it was about me and DK, I saw in my dream that DK left me and Dahyun just because he found someone who is way more younger than me and way more beautiful than me, I started to cry, I know it's stupid and childish but, I've been filling this way ever since after our graduation.

As I cried on our bed, I heard a small shuffling beside me and a pair of strong arms hugging me and pulling me close to him, DK, the man of my dreams and my future husband, my highschool sweetheart and the one I will marry tomorrow, I'm having doubts not on him, but on myself.

I cried in his arms as he just continued on comforting me while whispering comforting words in my ear, he held me close to his chest and I could feel his calm and peaceful heartbeat.

"Maybe.. maybe I should just be alone... Forever." I said in between my sobs.

"What are you talking about, babe?" He asked worriedly.

"I mean it, delete me from your phone, both me and Dahyun. Then... Then, leave and close the door s--"

"No!! Stop saying those rubbish, babe!!" He said as he cuts my words off.

"Leave me and Dahyun here in pieces, please..." I said in tears.

"Why should I do that?" He ask kinda annoyed.

"Because, you have a million reasons why!" I replied still crying.

"Babe... I have a billion more reasons to stay, okay? And, can't you see the way I would look at you? Can't you see those love eyes I've been giving you since day one?" He ask his arms still wrapped protectively around me.

"I do! I really do.. I just can't believe it..." I replied as I buried my face in his chest.

"Why not?" He ask worried.

"Because, I'm not worth it Dk. Anyone could see that, you're just too perfect to love someone like me..." I replied still crying.

Why am I even saying this childish things anyway? I said-asked to myself confused too.

"No! I love you and Dahyun. I love you, y/n. More than you know it, I love you for who you are." He replied reassuringly.

"I'm nothing special.. so, why'd you settle?" I ask still unsure.

"You are special, babe. Very special." He replied while kissing me on top of my head.

"You'd never admit this but, you could do better than me... But still, I'm glad that you're settling with me.. and Dahyun." I said as I lean myself to his chest.

"They're stupid if they can't settle with you at your worst, babe. I need you and Dahyun, like a home." He said as he looks down at me smiling lovingly at me.

"Y-you do?" I ask.

"Yes. You two are the home I can always go and close the door so, I'll stay warm." He replied as he caress my hair.

"But, why?" I ask pouting a bit.

"Because, Choi Y/n.. you're the only person who love me at my weakest, and held me till I'm healing and I am so glad, that you are settling with me." He replied as he kiss my forehead.

"I love you, DK." I said to him.

"I love you more." He replied as he plant a kiss on my lips.

"Why did you suddenly thought of all that rubbish anyway?" He ask still caressing my hair as we both lay back down on our bed.

"I had a dream.. it was about you, me and Dahyun. I saw that you left me and Dahyun for a younger and more beautiful girl than me..." I replied with a pouty.

He then laughs a little bit and made me face him.

"You really think I would do that?" He ask.

I shake my head yes and he laughs a little again amd kiss my forehead.

"I would never, okay? You're the only girl I'll ever loved, you are my queen and Dahyun is my princess." He said reassuringly.

"Wait, maybe you're on your period that's why you're being like this?" He added.

"Actually about that, I haven't got it yet.. it's out of date already..." I replied.

"How many days has it been?" He ask.

"Uhm... A week now... Why?" I said-asked to him.

"I think... Omg.. baby..." He said as he caress my tummy.

"Oh hell..." I replied as I look at him who is now smiling so brightly at me.

"No, it's a blessing baby. We're having a baby number 2, and I am hoping it's a boy this time." He said.

"I hope so too." I replied as I watch his eye glimmer in happiness.

"You really know how to make someone happy without you even knowing it." He said then kissed my lips.

We pull away and smile at each other, tomorrow is our big day, I lean my head on his chest and closed my eyes, I am so happy, we're gonna be parents again, this time, my heart is finally at rest, I know he would never leave us, seeing that glimmer in his eyes when he realize that we will be having a second baby says it all.

Just those eyes, they say thousands of words, more than a mouth could ever say, and it's enough reassurance to me that he really would never leave me and Dahyun and our unborn child, I'm so happy and luck to have this man in my life, I'm thankful for heavens above that I'll be marrying the right man.

A/n: Okay, I don't know what I did here but, I hope this one makes up for Wonwoo and Woozi's part hehe, I never meant to hurt y'all hehe. Anyways, everyone needs a DK in their life, why is DK the only one in this world anyway?!!! I need a DK in my life!!!! ACKKKKKKKKK

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