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Hoshi just finished practicing together with his members, he decided to give his secret girlfriend a call, he went out of the dance practice room and dialed her phone number, her phone just kept ringing until it took him to her voicemail, he hung up the phone and tried calling her again. For the second time around, he went straight to the voicemail.

He got frustrated and decided to text her, when he open his text messages he saw that she hasn't even read any of his messages to her, he told her that he will be home by tonight after that, he went inside the dance practice room and bid his goodbye to his members before taking his leave, on his way out of Pledis Ent. He saw a lady selling flowers, so, he bought one small bouquet of flowers for her.

He waited patiently for his car, his driver pulled up in front of him and he went inside the car, he kept calling and texting her but, nothing still. She hasn't replied nor answered any of it, he smelled the bouquet of daisies in his hands and it bring comfort in his storming mind, he exhale and smile, they finally arrived in front of her house, he put on his cap and mask before getting out of his car, he went to the gate and saw a car parked behind his, he shrugged it off and went inside.

He went to the front door and open it with his spare key, he opens the door and saw a man's shoes beside his girlfriends heels, he went further inside and saw clothes of hers and a guy on the floor, he heard faint moans coming from her bedroom, he took all his confidence and walk to her bedroom, he opened the door and found his girlfriend underneath his best friend, Wooyul.

"Eunji..." He said with tears in his eyes.

She gasped at the sight of him, so is Wooyul, they both got up from the bed and started to get dressed, he suddenly laughed and nodded his head.

"It's okay, I'm sorry for interrupting. Oh and by the way... We're over now, Eunji. Thank you." He said.

He walks out of her room but she runs up to him and holds his wrist.

"Let me explain, please..." She said.

He pulls his wrist away from her hands.

"There's nothing to explain anymore. Bye." He said coldly.

She got frozen on her spot, tears streamed down her face, he left her just like that, he went straight to his car and told the driver to drive him to Hanyang River Park, once they arrived there, he went down and took a walk, his hands in his pants pocket while looking down.

He then suddenly bumps into a little kid who is running, he stops the kid by holding him on both of his shoulders and gives him a wide smile.

"Hello, where's your parents?" Hoshi asked him.

"My mom is at work and so is dad." He replied.

"Then, who are you with?" Hoshi asked him.

"My auntie." He replied cutely.

"MINJUNG!!! GOSH! I thought I lost you!!" A young girl came running to them and the boy runs up to her and hug her.

"Mian, auntie..." He said to her.

"Don't do that again, Minjung. You scared me." She replied.

"Thank you for stopping him." She said to Hoshi.

"No worries, kids do wonders a lot." Hoshi replied.

"I'm Y/n, by the way, and you are?" She said-asked to him.

"Kwon Soonyoung. But, you can call me Hoshi." He replied as he shook her hands.

"Hoshi? As in, Seventeen Hoshi?!" She said-asked surprised.

"Ah, yes. Are you a Carat?" He said-asked to her.

She nods her head.

"But, I'm not a sasaeng! I swear! I didn't even know you came here... I just happened to be here because of my niece." She replied while stuttering.

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