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Seventeen has to do a Going Seventeen : Special Segment in France, all their staff are with them except for their leader S.coups since he is still recovering from his ACL. They're now all inside the bus on the way to their resthouse that is reserved for all the 12 members that present that day.

The staff are all on the other side of the resthouse since they have their own area there, even Na-Pd nim is with the other staff, the main house is being used by the members, they're all now resting in their bedrooms when one particular member texted his girlfriend who is one of the staff.

Direct Message

Moonjuniee🥰: Hey babi!!!!

Mybabiiiu🥰: Hey, what's up?

Moonjuniee🥰: Imissuuuu.🥺

Mybabiiiu🥰: Imissuuu2🥺

Moonjuniee🥰: Can you come in my room? The cameras are not rolling yet anyway, please...
Moonjuniee🥰: Don't leave me on seen babi🥺
Moonjuniee🥰: Please come here, I just want your cuddles🥺

Mybabiiiu🥰: Babi, we can't cuddle. There are a lot of camera everywhere.
Mybabiiiu🥰: Even if I miss you so much I just can't.
Mybabiiiu🥰: I'm so sorry babi.
Mybabiiiu🥰: Why aren't you responding?
Mybabiiiu🥰: Babi?!!! Don't leave me on seen!!!
Mybabiiiu🥰: Babi!!!

After y/n's last text message, she turns off her phone as she heard a loud knocking on her bedroom door on the house she is in, she stood up and open the door only to be pushed inside, he close the door and locked it and hug her.

She stood there dumbfounded, not knowing what she would do. She sigh and hug him back, she heard him giggle and he carry her by her waist and lay her down on her bed, he then lay on her chest and snuggled on her neck, he hug her by her waist as y/n can't do anything but just to sigh.

"What are you doing here?" She ask.

"Cuddles." He replied as he sniff her scent.

"Didn't I told you when we are at work, it's only work?" She ask him as she play with his hair.

"*Pout* can't I cuddle with my girlfriend of four years? Also, we are not working yet! At least let me have this moment." He said while pouting.

She giggle at his cuteness and kiss him on his forehead.

"Fine. But, starting tomorrow you have to focus on work only since this is Going Seventeen: Special Segment, we are making and I don't want Carats going after me." She replied.

He giggles and nod, he snuggle even more to her neck as he sniff her scent, they fell asleep right beside each other while cuddling, the next morning, the members and other staff are looking for him, after a while he finally came back to his bedroom and they're all shock since he is back already ready.

He can't shake off of his mind the cuddle time he had with his girlfriend that the smile on his face ain't leaving at all, which the members find creepy, DK then went up to him and pull him on the other side while making sure they aren't seen by the cameras.

"Did you make out with her last night?" Dk ask seriously.

"The f-- no! We just cuddle and I ended up sleeping in her room, that's all! This kid! Don't ever say that here!" Jun said as he cover Dk's mouth.

DK then started laughing nervously and got out of Jun's grip, they both went back to the dining room, they members have finally cooked something for them, they all ate altogether while they are being filmed by the staff's.

They decided to roam around France per team and meet up in the Eiffel Tower, Y/n and some other cameraman staff are with Jun, Hoshi, Wonwoo and Woozi, they went to different places and as they film, Jun can't help but to spare a quick glance on his girlfriend who is holding a camera in front of Wonwoo.

Jun pouted as he watches her film Wonwoo so delicately, he pouted all throughout the filming while talking too from time to time, Wonwoo then got a bit closer to Y/n as they decided to stop filming for a while so that they could enjoy the scenery of France. Wonwoo then took some pictures of Y/n which ended up with Wonwoo and Y/n giggling together.

After filming for some time, they decided to play truth or dare game with the staff of course that includes y/n, they kept playing and playing until the bottle landed on Wonwoo and Y/n, they're both been ask truth or dare and they both choose dare, they've been told to do a couple drink, they've been give each a glass with champagne on them and they did the dare.

Jun can't help his jealousy that it gets him quiet all throughout the game until he loses and he went to his bedroom, he stayed there and heard his phone getting lots of notification from Y/n and also from their manager, he just told them that he isn't feeling well that's why he is going to sleep early, a sentence that y/n never believe.

She stood up and excuse herself and went to Jun's room, thankfully the cameras upstairs are all turned off, she knock on his door and opens it, she saw her boyfriend sitting at the edge of his bed with his back facing her, she sigh as she closes the door and locked it behind her, she walks up to him and sat down beside him.

He nervously sits there not knowing what to do since y/n took the first move already, she sigh as she knows that he is jealous of her and wonwoo's closeness mostly her and Wonwoo used to go on dates together but didn't ended up together since Wonwoo didn't make a move but Jun did.

"Are you jealous?" She ask not looking at him.

He hum in response.

"Why be jealous when I'm yours?" She ask again.

"Because of the fact that you two used to date..." He replied.

"Those aren't date of couple... Remember, he didn't took the first move of actually admitting his feelings towards me..." She said.

"Still, you two used to have feelings for each other, who knows you might fall back in love with him." He replied while pouting.

She sigh and hug him from behind.

"That's something that will never happen. I'm yours. All yours." She replied.

"Really? You won't fall for him anymore?" He ask.

"Promise." She replied.

He turn to her and hug her, making her sit on his lap as they hug each other, they stayed in that position until y/n's phone vibrated, she fish it out of her phone and saw Seventeen's manager message to her, she stood up from Jun's lap and was about to leave when Jun stopped her from doing so.

"Where are you going?" He ask.

"Focus Jun, were shooting Going Seventeen. Come down after me." She replied.

She opened the door and walked downstairs, after a few explanation she made, they believed her and let her join the game again, after a few minutes Jun finally come back down and joined the game again, only this time, he is determined to play and is determined that he won't be jealous anymore since he knows that her focus is only on him and so does he.

A/n: 1,259 words. This is short, I know. I'm sorry... I find this cute though hehe, anyways, hope y'all like it!!! Also, the going seventeen special they upload tonight is so fun!!! I'm so happy to have GoSe back!!!! Also, Joshua!!!

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