Back To Me

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Y/n had just arrived back in Korea, she's been in England for a long time ever since her and her Kpop idol ex-boyfriend broke up 2 years ago, his name is Yoon Jeonghan of Seventeen. They've been together for three years only to break up months after their 3rd year anniversary.

She never had contact with him ever since then, she flew to England the next day after she broke up with him, she knew to herself that it was the right thing she had ever done in her life. She loves him so much that she can bear the fact of letting him go while hurting herself.

She's moved on from him and their past, she only remembers all the good times and not the bad times, the only person who keeps her updated about their whereabouts is Seungkwan, they text each other in secret without the other members knowing, she also heard about Jeonghan and his rumored girlfriend, she is happy for him and his new girlfriend.

She is now driving her way back to Daegu, her grandparents hometown, she had received a call from Seungkwan who told her that they are currently in Daegu near her grandparents farmhouse just on the other side of the road, he had also informed her that they have no camera at all since this is their private break.

She is happy about that news but at the same time sad, she knew Jeonghan might've brought his new girlfriend with him with them and that his new girlfriend might feel awkward around her so she rejected Seungkwan's offer for her to join them since she just got back in Korea after two years.

She arrived in her grandparents farmhouse, she parked her car outside the house and went out, she took her luggage from her trunk and started to walk to their house, she noticed three cars beside hers and thought for a moment before going to the front porch and knocking on the door, the door opened and when she looked up, she saw the least person she wanted to meet when she got back in Korea.

"Jeonghan." She said.

"Y/n." He replied with a big smile on his face.

"Who was it?" Her grandma asked behind him.

"Oh, my grandchild! Y/n, come on in! They're all here! Come, come." Her grandma added.

She looks away from him and starts to walk inside when he grabs her luggage from her hands.

"Let me help you." He said with a smile.

"Thanks." She said, still can't look at him.

They went inside the house and she saw all the members there sitting on the sofa while the others were in the kitchen with her grandfather. Seungkwan finally saw her and ran up to her and hugged her, she hugged him back and they pulled away.

"Wah!! You're even more beautiful now!" Seungkwan said.

"Thanks, you're still as handsome as before." She replied.

"Wow, y/n. You really are back?" Dino ask surprise.

"Yeah, I really am." She replied.

"Wow y/n, where were you all this time?" Joshua asks as he puts his arm on her shoulder.

"England." She replied.

"That's a far place!" Jun said.

"We've missed you and you're cooking!!" DK whined.

Y/n just chuckled at him, Jeonghan then cleared his throat as he walked downstairs from upstairs. Y/n looked over to his direction, and he smiled at her from ear to ear.

"I've put your luggage in your bedroom here." He said proudly.

"Thank you." She replied then looks away from him.

As she looks away, his heart begin to feel a sudden pang, he looks at her and observe her, she change a lot, her hair is cut more shorter now, it used to be a waist length black hair but now it's more shorter, it's cut in a fairy one. She is more thinner than before, her curves are now more visible mostly with what she is wearing today.

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