Intrusive Thoughts

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Y/n and I had a drink in her apartment, she just broke up with her asshole boyfriend of two years, she finally caught him cheating on her, and now here she is drinking her ass off, while me, I'm just waiting for her to actually say anything to me, anything at all.

"You know *hic* I never imagined that *hic* he'd do that *hic* to me." She said as tears keep streaming down her face.

"He doesn't even deserve you." I replied as I drink my own beer.

"Yah! Kim Mingyu!" She said as she cutely pointed at me.

"What now?" I ask her as I put her hand away.

"Answer my questions." She said clearly drunk already.

"Is this one of your intrusive thoughts again?" I ask her.

She just nodded her head in a cute way, I can't help but to smile at her cuteness, the way her lips would suddenly start pouting even though she doesn't really like pouting, the way her eyes close like the eyes of fox, the way her laugh sounds and even her small giggles and chuckles.

This girl, is making me fall even harder than I already am, I shook my head to take all those thoughts away and listen to whatever gibberish she will say.

"What if, *hiccup* I never find anybody to love?" She asked as she holds the bottle of beer in her right hand.

"You will, bub. You don't have to find it, it'll come to you." I replied.

"Or, what I finally *hiccup* got the chance and I just messed it all up?" She asks again in a cute small voice.

"You didn't mess it up, he messed it up." I replied as I drank my beer.

"Then, what if I *hiccup* get to heaven and it's not even real?" She asked again.

"Wah--this girl. Ayy, don't ask, such rubbish!" I replied as I took the beer away from her.

"Or, what if *hiccup* I die before telling you--" she pointed at me.

"How *hiccup* I really feel?" She added.

"W-what? You're just saying things y/n, because you're drunk. Stop it already, you should rest." I replied.

I stood up from where I was sitting and went up to her side and carried her to her room as she rambled on gibberish things, I laid her on her bed and made sure to put the covers on her, I shook my head and sigh.

I was about to leave her room when I felt her hand on mine, I looked at her and saw that she was already sleeping, I sigh and removed it as carefully as possible, I put it back to her bed and went out of her room.

I started to clean up her living room where some bottles of beer are all over the floor of where she sat, as I picked them up, I counted them and realized she had more than 5 bottles of beer, I laughed silently to myself as I realized how bad of a headache she'll get after waking up the next day.

After I cleaned up her living room, I went back to her room only to find her gone from her bed, I suddenly heard someone vomiting in the bathroom, I shook my head as I realized that she has now just vomited everything she had eaten and drank, I walked up to her and held her hair up for her so that she could vomit more carefully.

After that, I helped her clean up her mess, then put her back to her bed, I covered her with her blanket and kissed her on her forehead, I smile to myself as I watch her sleep talking, I really can't tell what is she saying since she is whispering it but one thing is for sure, she looks really cute right now.

I chuckled and let her sleep already, I closed the door of her bedroom and went to her guest room and lay down on the bed, I looked at the ceiling as I thought back to all her questions earlier, mostly the last one.

"Or, what if *hiccup* I die before telling you--" she pointed at me.

"How *hiccup* I really feel?" She added.

What does she even mean by that? Sometimes, I want to slap my face for not being able to take any hints from her although some of our friends had pointed out before how y/n actually likes me more than just a friend but, I never really saw her look at me the same way she does to her ex-boyfriend.

Well, I'll find it out soon. I've had a crush on her since 3rd grade and it's killing me when I found out from her how she got a boyfriend who is two years older than the two of us and now, she is crying over that guy who doesn't even deserve her, I can definitely make her happier than he does, tss.

I closed my eyelids and let sleep overtaken me as I dreamed about y/n and I's wedding.

A/n: I'm not entirely sure if this is the shortest chapter or what but, I'm clearly still hoping y'all would like this. Btw, thank you for the 50+ reads, that means a lot!! It kinda boosts my writing energy that's why I'm blessing y'all a whole 13 member update hehe. I'm really happy that cheolie and Hannie are finally back!!! ACKKKKKKKKK

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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