You Broke Me First

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It was a rainy Sunday, I was inside my bedroom and reading my new book that I had just bought two weeks ago, suddenly my phone started ringing, I looked at the I.D caller and sadness filled my eyes.

As tears began to prick in the tip of my eyes, I turned my phone off and focused back on my book and decided to just listen to the rain outside my window pane, my phone started ringing again, I took it and saw his name again and turned it off.

A few hours passed when I suddenly heard a loud knocking on my door, I got up from my bed thinking it was probably the pizza I had ordered and went out to my front door and opened it, quickly regretting it as I saw him standing there soaking wet from the rain.

"Hey uhm.. you.. you weren't answering your phone so I came... Can I come in?" He asked a bit unsure.

I let him in since it's raining really heavily, I went to my bedroom and took his last clothes here which is a pair of shirt and pants, I handed it to him together with a towel.

"Thanks." He said as he smiled bitterly at me.

I nod my head at him, he then stood up and used my bathroom and got changed, while I was waiting for him, I tried to compose myself and put on my best cold demeanor that I've been practicing for the past few months already.

After a while he finally came out of my bathroom while brushing his hair with the towel, he sat down beside me on the sofa and smiled at me.

"Just get straight to the point, Jeon." I coldly said to him.

He then fixes his eye glasses and let the towel rest on his hair as he stares at me.

"Your phone's been off for a couple of months, n--"

"So you decide to call me earlier...?" I said cutting him off.

He nodded his head, I then scoffed at him.

"I know you too well, Jeon... You're always like this when shit doesn't go your way... You always needed me to fix it... And, like always, I really will. But, y'know what? I've run out of every reason for doing it now." I said as I tried to keep my calm and cold composure.

He then held my hand and placed it to his lap and gently caressed them.

"It's not like that... I just.. I just want 'us' back.. I miss you already..." He replied in teary eyes.

I scoffed once again and pulled my hands away from his.

"Now, suddenly you're asking for it back? Could you tell me, where'd you get the nerve? You could say you miss all that we had... But, I don't really care how bad it hurts because you broke me first." I said tears are now falling from my eyes.

Wonwoo can't help but to wipe some of them but, out of reflex, I pull myself further away from him and wipe my own tears.

"You broke me first, Jeon Wonwoo." I said as I stood up.

I went straight to my bedroom and waited for a while until I heard my front door opening and then closing; that's why I totally broke down in tears.

I could swear that a few hours had already passed since Wonwoo had left and that's when I decided to come out of my room and saw an empty living room with no Wonwoo in sight.

It broke me when I realized that he just literally left, I went to my kitchen and saw the pizza I had ordered earlier before he came, above it is a small note from him.

"You taught me all about happiness and... In your demise... I learn the existence of pain. - J.W.W"

That broke me even more but, this time I know that after this breakdown, I'll come back up stronger than I ever was, because that's what he taught me, even though he broke me first.

A/n: I know that this is a very short one and I'm so sorry about this... It's a sad one huhu... I've been having a mental breakdown lately so, I couldn't get the chance to update hehe, hope y'all understand it, also, I hope y'all are liking this, I see we've reached 40 reads now huh, what a progress, thank you so much guys!!!

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