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" Ah taehyung - ah , this is amazing " Mr yang says , quite amused while standing at a reasonable distance , admiring the  flowers  taehyung is setting in front  of his shop.

" Mr yang , its nice to see you again " Taehyung  beams , Mr yang who is one of his loyal customers and an elderly friend as well.

" Good morning " He says.

" Shall we head inside?" Taehyung suggests , both heading  in .



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Sighing as he sits , placing his brown hat on the wooden desk made out of the finest timber " Ah thank you " he says , now taking a sip out of the tea taehyung handed to him.

" Ahh its very good , so fine " he compliments , smiling from how great the taste is.

Placing the cup on the table , taehyung doing the same.

The florist shop is bathed in the morning sunlight, casting a gentle glow on vibrant blooms.

The air carries the soothing scent of fresh flowers, mingling with the warmth of brewing tea.

" You have something to discuss? " taehyung asks , the look Mr yang carries on saying a lot.

" Well yes , you remember congress man Kim beom jin?" He begins , eyes fixed on taehyung.

" Ahh yes , the newly appointed one by the king himself? " He says , recalling much although he's not a politics fanatic but with the news head lines and words spreading  , he knows that much.

" well he was found dead this morning , his body cold and lifeless in his office " Mr yang says sadly.

" What?! how? you mean they murdered a man in favor of the king himself? that's a huge offence " Taehyung is stunned by such atrocity , how does a government official get killed in his own office? It raises questions and suspicions.

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