🪄 𝐏𝐭 8

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As the taehyung takes the stage to dance with jungkook , the night intensifies with an enchanting atmosphere.

The event pulsates with energy, yet in the spotlight, there's a poignant longing as jungkook reaches  for his hands.

Amidst the lively celebration, their connection adds a touch of intimacy, a silent exchange of emotions through the dance.

" May I have your hand? " jungkook asks politely.

" How charming " taehyung thinks , couldn't form out words as jungkook is already lacing their palms delicately .

Everything happens so fast ,  taehyung feeling  himself being pulled for his chest to meet jungkook's hard built ones.

The proximity alone breath taking ,  hazy eyes fluttering at the  feel of jungkook's hand sneaking around his lower back , settling there with a firm grip.

Such intimacy ,  jungkook perhaps oblivious to how much control he has over taehyung.

Not only are their bodies now pressed together , one of tae's palm placed softly on jungkook's chest and their other one held up in the air , palms intertwining together so youthfully ,  like a perfect fit.

Taehyung dares to look up , despite their slight  height difference , their noses are unbelievably close to each other , their lips a kiss away , the tension building up so fast , taehyung feels suffocated but not in distress , he's suffocated by jungkook's aura.

The manly cologne laced with rich france fragrance , his hot striking gaze so intimidating , his hold on taehyung is tight yet soft and delicate .

Taehyung couldn't help it so he looks down , now his eyes are on the prince's lips.

He's shaking as he feels the prince begin to move , eye lids shut tight expecting or not expecting their lips to meet but his heart beat slows down and picks up  again , hearing the prince whisper into his ear instead.

" ever heard of tango dance ? "

Taehyung's eye lids flutters " tango " he repeats in a whisper.

Tango dance, a passionate and intricate form of partner dance, unfolds with dramatic flair.

Intimate and close, the dancers move in a mesmerizing embrace, their bodies intertwined with precision.

Sharp staccato steps alternate with smooth, sweeping motions, creating a dynamic and sensual rhythm that captures the essence of connection and intensity.

Tango dance or anything tango related is one of the core memories taehyung has kept locked away.

He remembers how elegantly  his mum and dad would dance  to that song on a daily basis at home.

Their love and their smile blossomed as taehyung was once a happy child until he witnessed his parents dance  together one last time before his mother pass away , Ever since then he learnt everything about tango.

Like a course he studied , he learned to heal and hoped wherever his mother was that she would heal , until his father passed 2 years later , ever since then he has not danced nor listened to tango music.

" Music ! " jungkook yells for the band to play.

Surprisingly its the same song taehyung remembers his parents dancing to , he knows every step , every flow , every curve.

He knows its flirtatious and sensual to the core.

That's why when they begin their movements , with jungkook's firm grip on him , lifting taehyung up a little so his left thigh is hooked on the side of his hips , faking him on a twirl , then c atching taehyung mid air , body pressed together side by side .

Hands laced together as taehyung slides his heel elegantly on the dancefloor.

Both their  bodies expressing an element of romance in their synchronized movements.

At this point taehyung has felt jungkook caress every curve on his body from his waist to hips , chest , neck and thigh.

He's so turned on , tango between couples mostly ends in a night of ecstacy.

Sexually emticed by the mild intimate touches , how jungkook is so brazen yet respectful with it , he swears he feela him breathe down his neck , how is he supposed to not be in love? The jungkook before him , engaged to him by tonight is every girl's dream .

Except he's not dreaming , he's in love with someone he's not sure even remembers him , sure 20 years is a damn long time ,  but what if? Can he really make a vow on what if's? .

He didn't realize the music had stopped , until  he's  pressed up  once again against jungkook's chest , chest heaving , with slow pants emitting both their lips , both slightly out of breath from all the dancing.

Blush creasing on his cheeks , seeing jungkook eyes fixated on his cleavage.

A sudden standing ovation interrupting their moment.

Both   pulling  away from each other , bowing respectfully to the cheering crowd they never took notice of before as they were lost in their own world.

The party going on as they unlink their hands , taehyung staring at jungkook's back as he walks off the stage.

" That was so much passion going on tae " jimin comes in , handing him a glass of wine , napkin in his hands as he dabs sweat off tae's neck.

" Oh jimin " taehyung chuckles , chugging down the liquid at once.

" I'm serious tae , super intense! The way he gazed upon you ? " Jimin is jittery , concealing his squeal.

" The prince is an eloquent dancer  , he's just keeping up the performance " Taehyung tries to shrug it off , not wanting to read meaning into it.

But he clearly remembers in those sweet 10 minutes of being in jungkook's hold , his eyes , lost in his eyes.

Its like jungkook was establishing a deep connection , sending across a message with those eyes of his , having all of him subdued.

" I don't think i can wed him chim " He's tearing up , breath shaky as jimin hugs him , rubbing his back in comfort.


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