🪄 𝐏𝐭 5

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Its a bright at early morning , jungkook is at ease as he gets dressed for the day , well he's meeting someone , someone he hasn't seen in years , that person being the one thing closer to getting what he wants , of course with the whole marriage ...

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Its a bright at early morning , jungkook is at ease as he gets dressed for the day , well he's meeting someone , someone he hasn't seen in years , that person being the one thing closer to getting what he wants , of course with the whole marriage situation going on with the florist at the back of his mind , as he adjusts his tie he prays today will be good .

Anticipating a good ending for the day despite the fact that it just began , a soft knock on the door calling in on his attention.

" come in " he says.

" Dear cousin~ " yoongi sings annoyingly , making his way into jungkook's bedroom.

" what got you smiling ? " jungkook smirks , turning to face yoongi.

" oh! hold up " yoongi teases , eyes raking over jungkook's eloquent dressing.

" A charming smile , handsome look  , new hairstyle? you must have heard of the occasion " yoongi concludes , clapping his hands in amusement.

" occasion?. what? " jungkook sounds confused , he is , turning around to face his cousin , grabbing the cologne right by him.

" Taehyung moved into the palace late night yesterday with immediate effect , as the queen requested , even as I speak to you right now , his personal maid is serving him breakfast in bed " yoongi says , holding in his laugh.

" WHAT?! " jungkook yells , infuriated at the sudden information.

" so wait! If you're not dressed up for taehyung , then for who? " Yoongi asks , eye brow raised at the thought.

" i'm supposed to meet with diana today christ! Taehyung isn't fucking supposed to be here " He's pissed off , releasing a groan as he rubs his temple , stressed out at the thought of his mother making annoying demands from him due to tae's presence.

" relax _by the way , Diana? your ex? Jungkook you are getting married in two days , you possibly can't be thinking of , oh my god! , where is your decency " yoongi says , looking taken aback.

" its not what you think  okay? , the least you know the better " he says sternly , storming out of his chambers , leaving yoongi puzzled.



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