🪄𝐏𝐭 19

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Jungkook's determination to gather ministers in his favor brewed within him like a storm, fueled by the need to expose the corruption within his father's administration and shed light on the truth behind Taehyung's father's death.

He knew justice might not prevail, but asserting dominance was imperative, especially with his upcoming coronation looming ahead.

Amidst the piles of paperwork and signatures in his princely study, chaos erupted as his butler attempted to block Diana's entry.

Jungkook's annoyance surged, his clenched fist betraying his frustration. "You have two seconds to speak, or I'll have the royal guards disgrace you," he warned, his tone cold and unforgiving as Diana brushed past the butler, her presence unwelcome.

Jungkook sending the butler off  , his demeanor annoyed  as he loathes diana's presence , after the thing she pulled with getting taehyung hurt on purpose while they were out  riding horses.

As Jungkook's ex-lover, Diana felt entitled, her pride blinding her to the reality of Jungkook's disdain for her.

She harbored illusions of him finding solace in her arms, believing Taehyung to be nothing but a mere statue to admire.

She insulted Taehyung, oblivious to the fact that he was the very reason Jungkook breathed and the driving force behind his quest for justice.

Unbeknownst to them, the door was slightly ajar, allowing a pair of eyes to watch and ears to eavesdrop.

Taehyung, on his way to see Jungkook, had spotted Diana's intrusion from afar. With caution, he tiptoed closer, curious to discern the cause of the commotion.


" I figured out the reason you felt like this rulership handed to you feels like a burden , since you got back from the states you changed , became hostile , i see the way you look at the men in power , the hate all fueled by your little one desire to put taehyung's father murder to shame".


" calm down , relax~ " diana slurs , walking over to jungkook's side of the table.

" You forget jungkook , my father is a duke , you had started mobilizing an army to take. charge as soon as your coronation holds right? "

Jungkook is in disbelieve but doesn't falter , he stands his ground as diana interrogates him , placing her hands on his shoulder , sitting him down back on his seat with force.

" of course one of your palace boys had come to drop information , as they say , walls have ears and my father happened to not be on seat so i got told " she quirks , raising an eye brow at jungkook's audacity.

" So yes lets say i've been played by you this whole time , our relationship was just a rebound for you , thus your further using me to gather information and i should honestly hate you and ruin you but jungkook " she kneels in between his spread laps , eyes peering up sweetly.

" lets say i forgive you , let it pass , not let the queen know that you're choosing that shady rat over them and -

A slap resounds across the room , diana's cheek turned to the side as her eyes tear up , looking at jungkook in disbelief as she just got hit by him , jungkook getting up and away from her , furious as he holds back from hitting her once more.

" i feel pity for you diana i do , you really thought i'd take you seriously with your dirty scumbag of a father , or how you willingly give your self into shady political misdeeds? " he chuckles darkly , diana getting up on shaky legs .

She has never seen this side of jungkook before , she's too stunned to speak , digging her nails in her hand as she looks at him fiercely.

" is that how you speak about your soon to be king's partner? Your future king? " jungkook stands up to her , sick of her cruelty and  delusions.

" you're putting me in a tight spot jungkook , i'm willing to forgive you , why do you care so much about his father's death , it wasn't your hands that took his blood , you were young and helpless , you don't have to play maid to suit him " she caresses his cheeks , tearing up.

Taking a hold of her hand before she touches him some more " your morality disgusts me diana , and you ask why? Its because i love him , i saw my father push that man down the stairs , his close friend without a second thought , watched as my mother stood by , watched as taehyung little wails rang in my ears that night and the only thing i want is vengeance , i refuse! To breathe under the same roof murders.

" Then you have raged war " diana seethes.

A slight gasp is heard , jungkook on alert as he goes to check who's at the door , upon getting there he looks through the corridor but sees no one , closing the door fully before turning back to face her.

" Lets see how successful you are at stopping my coronation and ridding my parents off for good , i have no intention of punishing the innocent but you and i both know diana , you are far from that and if you stand in my way? I'll cut you down till there's nothing left of you " he states with vile.

" Then so be it " she spits , bolting out of his office.

Taehyung stepping out of the corner with tear stained cheeks , watching diana storm away , feeling deeply betrayed by the turn of events , the words and truth he heard pricking his insides , suddenly the pain he ft from seeing his father pale and lifeless hits him with full force , muffling his cries as he heads back up to the bedroom.

His mind pondering on how he can face jungkook after everything he just heard  , part of him is scared , very much but also he's angry , furious and used.


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