🪄𝐏𝐭 14

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" My love , i might come off rude but i am deeply disturbed by your mother's mistreatment and lack of respect for my presence or sense of being ever since our marital duties began " taehyung expresses as his maiden helps him with his dressing  , turning to face jungkook who is standing still while his butler cuffs his shirt for him.

" last i remember she was beyond delighted and was the number one to vouch for us wedding soon , did she perhaps have a change of heart or did i offend her? " taehyung says sadly.

jungkook sighs " excuse us " he says , the workers leaving the couples to just be.

" Darling , i think you worry too much " jungkook deeply caters for his love , hands cupping his small face as they drown in each other's eyes.

" i am to be queen one day , i belong to you but i feel as though i am nothing but a statue , mere decoration , like i don't belong " taehyung says , deeply troubled.

Jungkook does lean in to kiss him" oh my sweet little thing " you need not anyone to tell you where you stand.

" you show them , you take that which is your right , prove to them that you need not their validation or opinions about you , i will always stand by you to support you , let your light glow and never dim it for anyone " jungkook says , arms around tae's waist.

" oh dear , these words you use causes my heart to flutter " taehyung says below a whisper , shyness kicking as he can't stand how jungkook lustfully gazes upon him with such brazenness .

" i want to take this clothes off you right now " jungkook confesses , stuffing his face in tae's neck.

Taehyung purring at the affection , pressing himself into jungkook " but! we have a ball to attend " jungkook groans , pecking a flushed taehyung on his cheeks.

" so my dear , say no more and lets show these elites how coupling is done " jungkook says , pecking tae's temple.



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