🪄𝐏𝐭 3

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Another beautiful morning , at least that's what taehyung thinks as he sets up his flower shop to be ready for business , putting the flower pots in place , packing some others.

" ugh ! " he suddenly exclaims softly .

" why can't I get him out of my head " he hisses.

Shaking his head to get rid of thoughts , trying to focus more on trimming the bouquet of flowers a customer is to receive today from him.

Suddenly there's a loud bang of his shop door being swung open , turning around swiftly so see who the rude intruder is .

" not expecting to see me huh? "

" today truly is a beautiful morning " taehyung thinks to himself , gaining his senses back , playing it off with a nervous smile as he starts to fidget with his fingers , mind racing in wonder as to why the prince is here , in his shop.

" oh right , okay s..? " taehyung begins.

" you can't agree to it " jungkook cuts him off again

" what? " taehyung asks , quite confused , not only does the prince look aggravated , the tension is something he can't read as well.

" come on don't play dumb " jungkook scoffs , maintaining his stance , his jaw  sharpened with  eyes that holds determination in them, his outfit appearing a bit casual , few buttons popped open revealing his pale collarbones , black silk shirt rolled up to his forearm along with grey slacks .

Taehyung averts his wandering eyes from the fine man before him , briefly realizing the prince just barged into his work place and is demanding things.

" if you can be more specific?  , I have things to do " Taehyung turns away  in attempt to go over to his plants to resume trimming.

But jungkook grabs his arm " so you really want to agree to it? Look we can come up with a scandal , anything , I'll take care of the damages , just don't agree to it " jungkook pleads , not being sorry or merciful , more like forcing his suggestions on taehyung.

Taehyung smirks, inching his body closer to jungkook " what could be the prince deep secret , so deep that he opposes to his parent's wishes for him to marry " he whispers, face daringly close to jungkook , not breaking eye contact once with him.

" you do not know what you're getting into " jungkook deadpans , very sure of himself .

" and the audacity for you to suggest I tarnish my reputation! , just so you can have your way? , just how low do you think of me ?  " taehyung spits , eyes shimmering with distaste.

Before he could step back to breathe some air jungkook's grip on his arm tightens , a scowl forming on tae's face at the aggression.

" and what are you gonna do huh ? , agree to it? I'll for sure be making your life a living hell ". He threatens , watching taehyung's eyes starting to brim with tears at his words.

" then so be it " he grits his teeth , blown away at the audacity pulled at him , heart aching as he never intended for things to go this way.

" tae! oh my gosh , you will not believe what " jimin pauses mid sentence  after mindlessly walking into tae's flower shop , now noticing Prince jungkook's presence , eye brow slightly raised at the tensed situation.

" oh I'm I interrupting~" jimin cowers , taking slow steps towards them.

Taehyung steps back " you're not interrupting anything jimin , he was just leaving " tae says , looking jungkook dead in the eye.

Jungkook smirks " the fucking audacity " he thinks to himself , turning around to leave.

" oh, that was , what the fuck is going on?" Jimin questions , noticing the tension cool down after prince jungkook left.

" nothing is going on jimin by the way , why the fuck are you early ? , you usually come home by 7 "

Taehyung says instead , wanting to change the topic.

Jimin takes a sit on the stool " honestly tae fuck that work place , I have had it to my neck , I can't " jimin cries out dramatically , taking the cup of tea   taehyung hands  to him.

" what do you mean chim? did you quit? , the flower shop is all I have , you know that"

" yes , yes of course babe, i always have a back up plan " jimin points out in defense , a smirk planted on his face , eyes on tae who seems somewhat distracted as he has been mixing his tea without taking a sip.

" earth to tae? " jimin says , gaining tae's attention.

" what's bothering you ? , sweetie " jimin says softly , his palm reaching out to soothe tae's.

" its just  " taehyung starts off , not knowing how to put his words correctly , releasing a stressed sigh.

" I guess it hurts , it hurts that jungkook seems so off about marrying me , it makes me feel a little sad and like there's something wrong with me and I swear its not coming from the fact that I've known jungkook since childhood "

" When I'd go to the palace on several  occasions with my dad , I'd see him there , even though I had a little crush that did grow over the years in my life , while knowing and accepting the fact that he and i- " he pauses , not wanting jimin to know about it yet.

" And with time , that love died down , i think so , cause he , most of the time did not stay in the country , he moves and I moved on with my feelings but I cannot deny that seeing him again sparks up something within me and I hate that I feel bad for really wanting to agree to this wedding , cause I don't want it to be like I'm going ahead even though it upsets him "

" He's just being so fucking rude and for what reason? , what did I ever do to him chim? I'm I not good enough? " tae rants until jimin stops him.

" I agree jungkook is really an ass , yeah fuck him but I'd say you go ahead, just to spite him , ain't no fucking person be rejecting Kim taehyung , no way " Jimin says.

" really? jimin , out of spite? " Taehyung says , looking dumbfounded .

" yeah why not , besides he can't carry his spoilt brat attitude for long ,  he'll fall in love sooner or later , just give it time " jimin says.

" sounds smart , but still unfair and I'm not risking it , he could really hate me " taehyung says.

" tae , I swear to god if you say no to this wedding , I will personally drag your corpse across sahara dessert then feed it to the sharks in the Atlantic ocean " jimin deadpans.

"  let's see how that will be possible " taehyung bites back , sipping his tea.


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