🪄𝐏𝐭 23

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Jungkook's mother storms into her lavish chambers, the echoes of her fury reverberating off the ornate walls.

Her arrival from a brief sojourn in France is marred by the jarring news of the king's untimely demise, coinciding with her son's scheduled coronation.

The rapid succession of events only serves to stoke the flames of her frustration, exacerbated by the venomous words of her confidante, Diana.

With clenched fists, she slams her hands against the gilded dressing mirror, the resounding thud punctuating her anger.

Diana, unwavering in her conviction, accuses Taehyung of nefarious involvement in the king's death, insisting that Jungkook is shielding him.

" isn't it obvious? It's been his plan all along , sneaking his way into the family , poisoning your sons mind , he pushed jungkook to hate you both just to get what he wants , constantly playing victim " diana spills spiteful words.

" But how so!? " the queen yells , refusing to believe her son will be involved in his owm fathers death.

The queen recoils at the notion, vehemently rejecting any implication of her son's complicity in his own father's demise.

Arms crossed in defiance, the queen scoffs at Diana's accusations, her expression a mix of disbelief and disdain.

Yet, the venomous insinuations plant seeds of doubt in her mind, fanning the flames of her anger.

She scoffs , arms crossed " ive always wondered what he hides behind that innocent mask he puts on " she touches the queen.

"We need to get rid of him," Diana persists, her voice laced with malice. She paints a grim picture of Taehyung's intentions, warning of the dangers posed to Jungkook and the stability of the kingdom.

" We need to get rid of him , fix jungkook with me and restore balance to the castle , imagine he becomes queen? He'll poison jungkook to kick you out  " She persists.

Diana urges, her fervor unyielding. Her hatred for Taehyung clouds her judgment, fueling a desire for retribution.

With a frustrated sigh, the queen runs her fingers through her hair, her thoughts racing.

" That wench! So ungrateful , we only helped because the king wanted to keep his fathers death submerged so that he wont suspect a thing " she grips her hair.

The revelation of Taehyung's alleged treachery shakes her to the core, prompting dark fantasies of revenge.

"He's been playing us all along?!" A sinister chuckle escapes her lips, the notion of Taehyung's deception fueling her rage.

"Right, might as well say hi to his father in hell," she concludes, a malevolent smirk playing across her features.

The sudden knock on her door serves as a jarring reminder of the impending coronation ceremony, yet her mind remains consumed by thoughts of vengeance.

𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑 𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐍🪄Where stories live. Discover now