🪄𝐏𝐭 22

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As the old man awakens, Taehyung quickly hides the poison potion, his heart racing with anxiety.

The king's sniffing ceases as he gazes at Taehyung, who has come to cater to him. The old man begins to express his remorse, apologizing for burdening Taehyung and acknowledging the sins of his past catching up with him.

He reaches out to touch Taehyung's hand, reminiscing about how good Taehyung's father was and lamenting his absence.

" your father , was a good man " the dying man croaked out , breathing uneven , sadness in his eyes.

Taehyung feels disgust as the king's hand makes contact with his own, quickly pulling away and watching as the old man dozes back to sleep.

Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Taehyung internally scoffs at the king's audacity, his anger only intensifying.

Carefully, he applies the poison into the tea, stirring it to ensure it's properly mixed.

His mind fills with thoughts of his father's painful death at the hands of someone he trusted.

Taehyung calls for the maid to enter, handing her the tray with the poisoned tea. "Make sure he drinks it. I'll return to my chambers now," he instructs, the maid nodding in understanding.

Exiting the room with a smirk on his face, Taehyung hoping the king suffers a slow and agonizing demise, wishing for him to spend eternity in hell for his sins.


In the midst of a crucial meeting with his upcoming ministers, Jungkook exudes dominance and eloquence, his stance commanding respect as he discusses various matters pertaining to the kingdom's governance and policies.

Suddenly, a butler bursts into the room, disrupting the solemn atmosphere and drawing all eyes to the commotion.

"The king is dead," the butler announces, horror etched on his face. Jungkook is stunned by the sudden news of his father's demise.

Though he hadn't expected his father's death to come so soon, he remains composed, more suspicious than conflicted or hurt.

Rushing to the king's chambers, they find a maid trembling, holding a tray. She recounts how the king had eaten well, and she had diligently watched over him as instructed by the queen (referring to Taehyung).

Then, he started foaming at the mouth, and now he's gone. The frightened maid's words hang in the air as Jungkook sighs deeply, observing the cups used to serve his father's tea and sniffing for any clues.

The realization hits him like a ton of bricks as he detects the scent of poison. Jungkook turns to the other ministers, maintaining a facade of composure.

"Announce the king's death and arrange for a burial ceremony. Send word to my mother as well," he commands, dismissing the men.

Then, he turns to the maid, his voice tinged with threat.

"You did not see Taehyung here, understood?" The maid nods quickly, fleeing the room with the tray.

Alone by his father's side, Jungkook sighs deeply, grappling with the loss despite knowing who is responsible.

"Your actions put me in a position where I have to choose between this family and the love of my life," he murmurs to the silent figure.

"They say you reap what you sow, father. You cannot blame the hate the child has for you," he adds, his mind drifting to Taehyung and how he must be coping with the aftermath.


The palace remains shrouded in gloom, horns blown throughout the city to announce the king's death.

On Jungkook's end, it accelerates the process of his coronation as the kingdom cannot afford to remain without a king for too long.

As Jungkook approaches his chambers at the end of the day, he enters cautiously, finding Taehyung seated on the bed, his back turned to him.

Locking the door behind him seems to startle Taehyung, who quickly rises from the bed.

But the sight that greets Jungkook breaks his heart. Taehyung's face is stained with tears of guilt, his body trembling with sobs. Jungkook rushes to hold him before he collapses.

"I... I killed him, Jungkook," Taehyung confesses, the weight of his guilt evident in his words as he cries.

"I thought I'd feel better if he just died and that we could go back to being in love! I was blinded by rage, and I didn't think twice!"

"I was sneaky, disgusting, and I killed him. I'm a murderer like he is," he trembles, his tears soaking Jungkook's neck.

Jungkook does nothing but cradle him, soothing him with whispered reassurances and gentle pats on his back.


As the couple lay in bed, Taehyung's face nestled against Jungkook's chest, they find solace in each other's warmth. Jungkook tenderly pulls the covers over them, ensuring Taehyung is shielded from the cold embrace of the night.

With each kiss planted on Taehyung's tear-stained cheeks, Jungkook seeks to soothe his beloved after hours of relentless crying. His gestures are gentle, filled with love and empathy, as he tries to ease the pain weighing heavily on Taehyung's heart.

In the silence of the room, only the sound of their steady breaths can be heard, as Jungkook holds Taehyung close, offering comfort and reassurance through his touch and presence.

" you're disappointed in me aren't you? " taehyung looks up at him with tear filled eyes .

" seeing as you haven't said anything about it " his lips quivers , jungkook only gazing at him with so much affection , kissing taehyung on the lips instead.

" it is true that i had no intention of you ever getting your pretty hands dirty " jungkook says , pulling tae's leg over his hips , wanting him to be closer as they lay naked , its the most physical they've gotten this week after the silent treatments and taehyung needs him.

" baby i know your heart is as pure as gold , you are an epitome of good things brought into life and there is no way you could do wrong in my eyes " jungkook professes.

" i'll make sure to put my mother and diana in their place as well , this palace we'll make it into our sanctuary , new memories and a safe home for our kids " jungkook says , taehyung nodding with a cute smile.

" My father is atoning for  his sins , that's all it is " he says finally , caressing tae's cheeks.


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