🪄𝐏𝐭 21

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Its been three days.

Ever since his outburst , his hurt and confrontation , jungkook and him have been in no contact , jungkook even passes by him when they cross paths.

Taehyung begins to wonder as he gets dressed in the lonely chambers , skin sticking to his collar bones as he had refused meals as well , depression hitting him down as the grief he never got to do for his father washed down on him.

Plus jungkook's distance , why is he the one pulling away when its him that's hurt , that's the victim , taehyung ponders.

Recalling the look of regret jungkook had on his face that day , the way he remained mute as he lashed out , only to let out a deep sigh and exit the bedroom , he also overhead jungkook tell the maids to prepare the opposite bedroom for him .

He feels tears build up in his eyes , heart aching , unable to bear it anymore , as much as he's upset to hear the truth of his father's death 20 years later , late at that from the one person he's totally in love with , his husband at that.

He's also distraught , having jungkook close yet far upsets everything in him , but when he tries to reach out , he remembers the culprit to his father's death are under the same roof , he feels like an accomplice to his own father's death.

Dining with them , smiling with them for half a year now since he and  jungkook wedded , also realizing that's why the queen has been mistreating him , realizing that's the only reason they pushed for him to wed jungkook.

Taehyung realizing jungkook was fully against it , which is why he was enraged at first , his rage which taehyung mistook for hatred for him , but turns out jungkook felt just as guilty , the humiliation was too much , treating taehyung as a charity case.

Taehyung trembles , finding the bed to seat on before he collapses , palms over his face as he cries , he's tired , exhausted , sick to his stomach and he's angry .


Meanwhile jungkook is setting the pace , knowing taehyung is in his most vulnerable position , willing to accept whatever decision taehyung's comes to , about their marriage , this life , he'll accept it.

But he's more focused on mobilizing an army for the coup , his coronation in  a few days , he's been keeping an eye on diana as well , restricting her access to the palace since his mother is away in france for now and his father is sick , he's practically in control of the palace.

He has successfully used the faults of each minister and acquaintance of his father to  lure them to come to his side and turn against his father , but why go through all this trouble if he's going to be king anyways.

Truth is its the people at the bottom that control the king , they put whoever will be their dog on that seat and use him as a puppet , and jungkook isn't any dog , true power is not by how much of a king you are or the gold crown with infinite stones , its about being able to control your subordinate and get them to respect you.

Jungkook is having a talk with yoongi in the hallways when he sees taehyung approaching with a tray of food and medicines , 2 other maids trailing behind him .

Taehyung keeps his eyes ahead , smile non evident as he attempts to walk by jungkook .

" Taehyung "

Jungkook doesn't even know why he blurted his name out , taehyung pausing obediently on his tracks , jungkook stalling as he gapes at him , taehyung so immensely breathtaking he didn't have the heart strings to let him pass by.

So he approaches him , urging the maid to take the tray instead of taehyung carrying it , he then pulls taehyung into a hug , taehyung very much shocked at the action , the room filled with fluff as they awe at the sudden gesture.

Taehyung keeping his face void of emotions still , not returning the hug but jungkook only hugs him harder , slightly kissing his neck side before finally letting taehyung pass.

" where is he off too? " yoongi asks , jungkook staring in awe at taehyung's disappearing figure.

" yeah my father:s chambers , he's overseeing his care " jungkook says only to scoff , realizing how uncomfortable it must be for taehyung , his mother must have done that to insult him , especially since taehyung would love nothing more than for the king to die.


As Taehyung sits by the bedside of the sick king, his hands tremble slightly as he places a wet towel on the old man's forehead.

He motions to another maid to bring the food tray closer, taking it from her with a determined yet shaky grip, before gesturing for them to leave the chambers.

His gaze hardens as he stares at the frail figure before him, his fists clenching with the weight of his conflicted emotions.

He struggles against the urge to seek revenge, grappling with the injustice of the situation—how this tyrant gets to live while his beloved father suffered a cruel fate at his hands.

In a moment of blind rage, Taehyung reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small potion bottle, his mind consumed by thoughts of vengeance.

He has been plotting the king's demise, considering various methods—suffocation with a pillow, strangulation, or poison.

Yet, he settles on a plan that will rid him of the vile man without having to lay a hand on him.

Just as Taehyung is lost in his vengeful thoughts, the old man suddenly stirs, groaning as he awakens.

Taehyung is taken aback, his anger momentarily overshadowed by surprise, as the king's eyes meet his own and tears begin to fall.

This unexpected display of vulnerability leaves Taehyung in shock, his resolve momentarily shaken by the sight of the king's distress.


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