Part 2✨

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Next morning

Namjoon woke up with a massive headache. He was sitting on the bed then his eyes suddenly went to the clock on the table beside his bed .He almost jumped when he saw the time it says it's 11:30am already. Because at this he usually be in his office on other days , but today he didn't even got up from bed yet . He hurriedly got up ,did his morning routine and when he came to his room and checked onto his phone whether Yoongi called him or not ,he  realised it was Sunday so no office for today. He cursed himself for doing this type of stupid things.

"How can I be that much stupid?I have just forgot that today is Sunday 😣" (sighed)

Then he did his breakfast and decided to have a walk to the park

After while he reached park and found an empty bench , he sat there and started reading a book.

After a while he felt something soft like thing was hitting his leg .  He looked down to see at the result he found a cute puppy was hitting his legs with its head . It had beautiful eyes,soft white fur and cute little paws. Namjoon's heart melt and he immediately took the puppy in his hands and made it sat in his lap.

"Where do you come from?" -Namjoon said to the puppy while creasing it's fur

"You wouldn't ran away from your owner.He/she might be searching for you"-he said softly

After some minutes he heard someone's voice from the back but he ignored it, again he heard the voice from the other way then he thought about to look into the matter,he took the puppy and started to move on the way from where he heard the voice ,he found a boy whose voice he heard before .

"Excuse me"-Namjoon called the boy

*The boy turned around to him*

"Oh Coco you are here you know for how i was searching for you "-the boy said while taking the puppy from Namjoon's hand

"Thank you so much for keeping my Coco safe "- the boy said to Namjoon

*On the other hand Namjoon was observing the eternal beauty of the boy .Who had beautiful brown eyes, black hair,clear skin,pink plump lips and a tiny little waist*

*He came back to the reality when the puppy barked*

"Thank you Mr.?"

"Kim Namjoon. Myself Kim Namjoon"

"Oh you are the CEO of famous Rkive industry"

"Oh yes" (Namjoon said while getting shy)

"Hello Mr.Kim Namjoon myself Kim Seokjin"

Hope you like this part guys 😁 let me know in the comments if you like this part or not

                              -your author
Love you guys 💜

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