Part 10✨

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Hobi became more shocked when he got to know that the unfamiliar person was familiar to Jin

Hobi: Jin do you know him?(shockingly)

Jin: yes hobi ,he is my boss

RM: how dare you to touch my love (glaring at Hobi)

Hobi: love?? Jin is he your boss or boyfriend?(confuse)

Jin: Hobi he is my boss

RM: Jin who is he ? and how dare you to touch his(Jin's)lips (glaring)

Jin: um~m sir he is my friend Jung Hoseok  and there was something on my lips so he was cleaning that

As soon as Jin finished his statement RM took Jin in bridal style and left from there while leaving confused Hobi with the "what the fuck had happened right now" thought 🤔

Hobi: who was he? Jin said that he was his boss but the man was addressing Jin as his love . They both are really weird I don't know what the fuck is happening with me

On the other hand

Jin's POV

I don't know what happened with me today ? Why he(RM) was behaving so weird? Why he was calling me his love?

As RM took Jin in bridal style and moved towards his car , Jin was constantly trying to get rid of from RM but RM was very big infront of Jin.

Jin: sir~ sir what are you doing ?why you carried me this way ?


As RM shouted Jin instantly get onto the car like a obedient child

But as soon as they came to RM's house RM took Jin in bridal style again and moved towards his room

They reached to RM's room and he threw Jin in his bed and locked the door and Hover over him (Jin)

Jin: s~sir what are you doing? don't do anything wrong ,you are not in your sense now

RM: why you let him to touch your lips (angrily)

Jin: what do you mean by that??

RM: don't act smart with me

Jin: I am not acting sir

RM: ok so you don't know ,so listen Mr Kim Seokjin I Kim Namjoon the CEO of Rkive industry love you and I don't tolerate anyone close with you except me AM I CLEAR TO YOU

Jin:  y~yo~you l~l~love me (shockingly)

RM: yes I desparately do

As soon as RM declared his feeling he became unconscious because of over drinking Jin layed him on the bed and made him sleep

As it was too much late night so Jin decided to stay there

Jin: what happened to him? What he said he loves me ,is it true or he was saying this because of heavy drinking? But I think no one can be that much lier even in drunk position. Don't know these things are really confusing it will good if I ask him(RM)tomorrow about that (slept)

Hope you like these part 😀

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