Part 9✨

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After 2 days

As Hobi was coming to meet Seokjin,so Jin left office a little earlier and told his colleagues about that and to give the file to Namjoon when he calls for it .

On the other hand
Namjoon called Jin for the file but the other employee came with the file

(I will address the college as 'c1' so guys don't be confuse)

C1: sir that's the file you have asked from Seokjin

RM: ya,but where is Mr Kim?

C1: actually sir he left before 20 minutes as he had something important to do

(RM suddenly remembered that before 2 days he told him(rm) that he (Jin)need to meet someone)

RM: ok, you can go now

C1: thank you sir (left)

RM: oh, so Jin went to meet his boyfriend today 😔

RM: called Suga to his cabin--

Suga: what happened?why did you called me ?

RM: Suga actually I am not feeling well,can you handle my works so that I can go home and take rest please ??

Suga: ok ,you go I'll look after about it

RM: thank you bro (left)

On the other hand--


Today Hobi is coming and he told me to meet me at KKMJPKJ Bar (he is really different from others). He is owner of a dance academy named"Hope World" which is quiet famous worldwide,so for work purpose he went to Tokyo and after 6 months he is coming and I am super excited to meet my best friend #excitedseokjin🤞

As Jin reached at the bar and waited for Hobi for 10 minutes

After 10 minutes

Jin: how long would I have to wait ?

(Jin heard his name from a far so he looked at the direction)

??: JINNNN(a person shouted and hugged Jin)

Jin also hugged him

Jin: hobi you are still the same nothing changed to in you

Hobi: you are right for my friends I also don't want to be changed

They chit chatted a little and started to drink

Namjoon POV

I am feeling so low so I thought about to have some drink so I went to a bar and started drinking

As after sometime RM end up drinking and decided to leave but suddenly he saw a face who was laughing with another male

RM: isn't it Seokjin?so I was right he came here to meet his boyfriend (RM become jealous after watching hobi laughing with jin)

RM returned to his seat and began to drink more and more. He became too much drunk and got way too much jealous and angry

On the other hand

Jin and hobi was talking , laughing and drinking. They don't even any hiatus about RM was watching them with ferocious eyes.

Suddenly Hobi saw someone was on Jin's lips and he tried to clean Jin's lips someone held his hand . Hobi got shocked and looked at the person who was glaring at home as if he will gonna eat Hobi

On the other hand

Jin: Namjoon sir ??

Hope you like this part guys 😁

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