Part 13✨

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Next day after the office Jin was waiting outside for RM to begin with his plan

After a while RM came and noticed Jin,he moved to Jin

RM: what happened Mr Kim?

When Jin heard RM's voice he made his face sad

Jin moved his face towards RM as he was back facing him

Jin: actually sir

RM: why are you looking sad ? what happened?

Jin: nothing serious actually I booked two film tickets to watch a film with my friend but he called me and told that he can't come as he had something important work (sighed), and since it's a horror film so i can't watch it alone and since it's weekend so none of my friends are free. That's why I am sad (please say you want to go with me)

RM: thought for a while hesitately spoke

RM: well Mr Kim if you don't mind can I go with you

(Finally Jin's plan worked so well)

Jin's face brightend up

Jin: will you go with me sir ??

RM:  sure since I am free and you also gave me company to the party that day so it's my payback

Jin giggled

Time skipped to the cinema hall

Jin and RM got their seats and sat there

The movie started and it was going through more and more horrible scenes which was beyond Jin's expectations

After 1 hour

RM was watching the movie with a great interest . On the other hand Jin was almost hide himself in the chair out of fear

Jin: hobi i will kill you who told you to book the tickets of this type of breathtaking horror movie (in mind)

Jin: s~s~sir!

RM hummed in response

Jin: s~sir I ~I think w~we can g~go now i~its already too late (he somehow said trying his best to not look into the screen)

RM: wait Mr Kim let the movie be finished and also it's Sunday tomorrow no office (he said without looking at Jin)

Jin: ok sir 😔

After 15 minutes

Now the movie is showing more and more scary scenes and Jin was dying out of fear so he closed his eyes

The whole theatre was filled with screaming and scary noises

Suddenly a screem came out from the screen it made Jin scared and he almost jumped on RM who was sitting beside him

Jin clutched RM's shirt tightly and hid his face leaving a shocked RM who got distracted from the movie

Poor Namjoon can't able to watch the climax part of the movie which he was eager to watch but in instead he watched a scared Jin clutching his shirt tightly who doesn't want to let him go 🤧🌸

Hope you like this part🌸

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