Part 16✨

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Now Jin and me are on both of the sides of the bed. It's raining so hard and it's also raining inside me but with emotions, I am so badly soaked in emotions, what you did did to me? Why can't I resist my feelings towards you even when you aren't infront of me? What type of magic you have done on me or you have some magical powers by yourself ?? - I asked myself in the mind while sitting on edge of the bed . I saw beside me to see Jin was sleeping peacefully I chuckled as  releasing a fake emotion with the thought how a person can be this much perfect not only by face by the whole existence, maybe he is not in my fate by the rule of destiny but losing him after getting this much close don't know why I feel a deep crack in my heart with the thought of losing him the thought of not getting me by my side for lifetime makes me feel so weak unconditionally and sometimes make me cry just like now as I can feel my eyes getting watery. I just simply let a deep sigh and proceed to lie down , when a big Strom is heard from outside and more surprisingly the sleeping figure just jumped on me by which I got to know he wasn't asleep at all he was pretending to sleep

The situation was goddam embarrassing so I can't describe the further things i am giving the author to describe the remaining things

A/n: after that loud bang sound Jin just threw himself onto RM and both of them couldn't make out hell the things are going on

Rm: don't worry Jin I am here with you ( he said with a very gentle tone while creasing his back)

After a while

They parted away and Jin was blushing ferociously while looking down . Rm gathered his courage and pulled Jin's face up by his chin softly to look but it was really surprising for RM when he saw tears in the younger's eyes

Rm: why are you crying? Are you still afraid from the sound ?( he softly asked)

Jin nodded his head as "no"

Rm: then what's the reason of your tears??

Jin: they are forming for the realisation of reality

Rm: Jin it's really hard to understand can you please tell me clearly?

Jin: I love a person who can never be mine in this life . I always feel special when I saw him , he maybe did a magic on me by which I feeling so really near him ,so I have decided to confess to him when I got a hard slap from the reality realising me that he can never be mine he is just a dream for me ( tears started falling from his eyes)

Rm felt a straight pain in his heart and getting the information that Jin has a huge crush on someone

Rm: if you lost your hope that easily it doesn't good you should try by confess to him once, it's not good to give up that early

Jin: do you think it will work?

Rm gave him a fake smile and nodded

Jin: ok so I'll confess my feelings towards the man I love the most

But it was really surprising by the act which he has done next

To be continued.....

Hope you like this part
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