Part 12✨

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At Namjoon's cabin

RM: Suga Suga I almost got caught today

Suga: why what did you stole ?😑

RM: when you are going to be serious i am not in a mood of joking now

Suga: I am also not , I seriously asked you

RM: I got caught by Jin today

Suga: how

RM: as you know that I like him from the first day I saw him

Suga: yeah so

RM: so when yesterday I saw him with his friend at the same bar I was and they were so much touchy touchy and I was drunk so much so i approached them and drag him with me and I said " I LOVE YOU".

Suga: who said that you have 148 IQ ? You are shamelessly a dumb

RM: for your kind information for my 148 IQ I've managed the situation in the morning

Suga: then what now you want me to do?

RM: nothing , you are my cute little friend that's why I told you (wink)

Suga: dumb (He rolled his eyes and left)


I was working when I got a text from Hobi

Hobi: Jin how are you?
What happened to you last

                          Jin: Hobiya! I am
                          fine and nothing
                          happened with me
                          last night

Hobi: it's good then what
about to have a party at
your place?

                          Jin: sounds great  I
                           will arrange
                           everything so
                            come at 8 pm

Hobi: sure 😄

Jin: place the device after bidding bye to Hobi and begun to work

Jin: he(RM) was really weird today, it was feeling like he was telling a lie . It's really confusing ( he shurged)

At Jin's home

Hobi: how was the day bro ?

Jin: well it was a little stressful but i forgot my every stress when I see your energy

Hobi: well it's true (showed his heart smile)

After talking a while

Hobi: Jin you know what really he really loves you and he wasn't assuming you at all

Jin: no Hobi I asked him today and he said that because he was drunk yesterday (sad face)

Hobi: why are you looking sad by the way?

Jin: no i am not sad Hobi (fake smile)

Hobi: Jin I know you from childhood so you don't need to pretend

Jin: you know when he said loves me I felt really happy I don't know why I felt something in my stomach when he come across me and I also felt heartbroken when he said that he have said those because of drinking but not from his heart 😣

Hobi: it means you love him Jin

Jin: I don't know

Hobi: yes you are, and you know what I have also seen love and possessiveness towards you in him

Jin: you mean he also loves me??

Hobi: yes

Jin: then why doesn't he admit me that??

Hobi: maybe he afraid of getting rejection from you

Jin: so what we gonna do now

Hobi: if you tell them I can help you

Jin: do I need to give you an application now (raising an eyebrow?)

Hobi: no no 🤣listen to me so the plan is *******

Jin: will it work ??

Hobi: if you act perfectly

Jin (glared at him)

Hope you like this part

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