Part 14✨

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As I was watching the movie suddenly a screem came out from the movie and surprisingly Jin immediately hugged me tightly (not to mention but he ruined my attention towards I was really curious about what will be the next move of the actor in the climax scene 😣)it was something more than because I am feeling like he was holding a substance for not to fall 😑, he clunched my shirt and hid his face on my chest , which make me shocked at first but happy from the inside #manwillbeman. I creased his head and ran my fingers through his hairs to let him calm down.

After a while

We parted away (which I never wanted) I looked  at him when he was looking down God why he is so cute 😣 I can see his face was red out of embarrassment,( although why not he had experienced my fluffy and well built chest 😜)

"I~I a~am so~sorry sir . I got panicked that's why I did that"  Jin said while looking at downwards 

But how I express that I liked no no I loved that so much 😍

"It's ok Mr Kim I think we get to be going now" I said , he nodded as an approval

With saying that I started walking but I can gesture he was still in his face face

Author's POV

They came outside and saw it was raining cats and dogs

RM: from when the rain started ??

Jin: I think when we were in the hall

RM: mm you are right anyway let's gotta go towards the car

They both went towards the car . Namjoon started driving (thank God it's an fanfiction iykyk😜)and the whole driving was deadly silent as no one had the courage to break it after the incident but it finally got broken by a noise from RM's car's engine

The engine started decreasing smoke

RM: what the hell happened now with the car

Jin:what happened sir (looking at his boss)

RM: don't know maybe the engine got hot that's why smoke is coming out of it . You wait here let me go outside and check

Jin:but sir it's raining so hard you will get cold if you got wet in this rain

RM let out a chuckle and assured him that he'll be fine

RM: went  outside and opened the bonnet and checked

RM: Mr Kim what we gonna do now?

Jin: why ?what happened?

RM: the engine got burned and I don't think the car can be get repaired without a mechanic . We can not go to home because it's a far distance and for the night there is no taxis nearby so what we gonna do now?

He said as standing outside but putting both of his hands through the window and putting his head down

Jin assured him while creasing his hairs

Jin: don't worry sir we will a way let me think for a while

After looking here and there Jin found something he tapped RM's shoulder and made him to look at him

RM: what happened Mr Kim?

Jin: sir I found something

RM: what ?

Jin look at your back there is an hotel

Jin:if you agree then we live in that hotel for tonight

RM think of a little and agreed with jins proposal

Hope you like this part guys

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