Part 11

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Next morning

Namjoon woke up with a straight headache and look beside him at the couch and saw Jin was sleeping there. He got surprised to see Jin there

RM what is he doing here?yesterday I saw him with his boyfriend, what happened next? Wait had i brought him here and told him that I love him ?

RM shit Namjoon no you can't be so much stupid , you can never do these dumb things . Should I wake him up ? No I'll let him sleep 😉

He said and went to do his morning routine to the bathroom

As Namjoon went Jin woke up and sat on the the couch , he looked at the unfamiliar room and didn't found RM there . So he thought that RM must be in the bathroom so he waits there .

After a while RM came out with wet hair and a towel covering his bottom part of the body from his waist as his body was slightly wet he was looking damn hot with well built abs and buff chest

He came out without noticing Jin who was looking at RM blankly with mouth opened

RM suddenly noticed Jin and felt embarrassed, he tried to his body with his hands when Jin immediately turned around and said

Jin you should take the cloths you know I am here (blushing)

RM oh ,sorry I thought you are sleeping

(He said and went to the bathroom with clothes to put on)

After 5 minutes

Namjoon came when Jin called him

Jin: sir

RM: yes!

Jin: um~m I ~I ~need to talk with you about yesterday

RM: oh shit is he going to say what I am thinking ?(he thought)

Jin: sir sir

RM: yes yes say

Jin: well sir what happened to you yesterday you dragged me here and

RM: I I am m sorry Mr Kim I was drunk so much that I wasn't in my sense i am really sorry about that

Jin: it's ok sir I wasn't talking about this I am talking about you were calling me" love " why ?

RM yeah I haven't in my control so out of drunk so I have that

RM: Mr Kim can you tell me what I have done yesterday

Jin: sure sir you came to the bar as the same one where I was with my friend and then dragged me here and the most confusing thing was that you were saying that I am your"love" and "you love me" and many more things

RM: I am sorry about yesterday actually it's because I watched a romantic film where actor confessed his love to the actress so that's why I assumed you are the place of the actress and did those things 😅 (left)

Jin: why he is so awkward and confusing and wait am I look like a girl that he assumed (looking at the mirror) no way i don't look like a girl I am world wide handsome you know 😉

Hope you like this part 🙏

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