Chapter 1 : Starting Out

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It was early morning as Skylar got out of bed and stretched her wings. Wait! Wings? Skylar was stunned. What was wrong with me? She ran to the bathroom and twisted around trying to pull them off in case it was one of the other girls good idea of a joke but alas, they did not come off as she realized they were real! The wings were huge; about 14 feet wide and big enough to fly with. They were a deep brown color, the same brown as her hair.
They are beautiful, Skylar thought, but what if they never come off?!
She pulled and pulled but it just hurt her shoulder blades where the wings were connected. With no other ideas, she started screaming.

Skylar, Tori, Kyomi and Gabrielle were sleeping over at Skylars house, since her foster mom was on a business trip, when a knock sounded at the door. Skylar, the oldest with dark brown hair and green eyes stood up and went to open the door. Gabby (Gabrielle), with all her optimism, silky black hair and innocent blue eyes said, "Wait! You don't know who that is!"
"True, but what if it's important?" Replied Skylar, pausing in the entryway.
"At least ask who it is if your gonna be careful." Said their friend Kyomi that had reddish brown curly hair and freckles like sprinkles under chocolate brown eyes.
Another voice spoke up, "You guys we should be smart about this and shouldn't be acting like scared children. Come on, we are 13 guys. Grow up." Hazel eyes and blonde hair that was almost always in a braid gave away Tori's position as she was sitting almost invisible in a pile of pillows on the couch.
Taking over, Tori said exasperated,"Just look through the peep hole, Skylar, and see who is there." Cautiously, Skylar walked across the room to the door.
"Be careful Skylar! You're foster mom and our parents won't be pleased to find us missing because we were stolen by some evil guy in a ski mask for some candy." Called Gabby.
Skylar turned to the dark haired girl, "I feel so much better now, thanks for that lovely thought, Gabby." She said sarcastically. "And why would anyone be dumb enough to get in a random guys car for candy?...Besides a little kid younger than seven that is."
Gabby stuck out her lip in a practiced pout, "You never know what type of tantalizing candies those bad guys might have!"
Skylar turned to the door and looked out. No one was visibly there on the porch but a peculiar looking box sat on the Seminoles door mat her foster mom had bought last Autumn. Skylar opened the door to retrieve it and was greeted by a suffocatingly hot spring breeze flowing into the cool, air conditioned house. Grabbing the box, she brought it inside to where her friends waited. For a spring afternoon in Florida it sure is hot, Skylar thoight worked up a sweat just walking out the door. Setting down the box, she checked the address. It read, To my amazing granddaughter and her friends! I hope you find good use to these. Love, Grandmother Tina.
Puzzled, Skylar glanced at the address again. Skylar Ride 3491 GrassyHill St. FL 67903. It's the right address she thought to herself. But who is Grandmother Tina? As far as she knew she had no living relatives that cared about her or knew about her. Both her parents died in a car crash 12 years ago when she was only a year old and was staying with a babysitter while her parents went out to dinner. After that she had been fostered by a couple different homes and finally found her way here with here with her foster mom. On impulse, she opened the box and was surprised to find jewelry, one piece for each of her friends expressing their personalities perfectly. There was a pearl ring with a golden band for Gabby, A fang of some sort on a silver chain for Tori, A stone with a slight blue tint in the shape of a moon on another silver chain for Kyomi and a gold bracelet with feathers and beads on it for Skylar. The four friends gathered around the beautiful gifts and helped each other try them on. To their delight, the jewelry fit perfectly as if it was made just for them. Even Gabby's ring fit like magic. That night they all talked and talked about the cool accessories and the end of spring break after the week was over. Once everyone settled down in their sleeping bags they were to tired to talk so everyone fell into a deep and dreamful sleep.

Skylar that night dreamed of a strange four armed woman that resembled her a bit with green eyes and dark brown hair crashing through a forest chasing her. Twigs ripped at her clothes and hair but she kept running. All she wanted to do was rid herself of that rampaging woman coming after her. Seeing an opening in the trees joy flooded through her. Great! A clearing! Skylar could lose the lady in it and could get away! Skylar sped up in a hurry to get to the clearing. Emerging from the trees she skidded to an abrupt halt. No no no no! This can't be happening! Skylar thought panicked. Instead of a clearing, like she had hoped and thought, in front of her stood a big, sheer cliff. She was trapped! Looking back she only saw one option and she took it. Taking a deep breath, Skylar took a running start and lept off of the cliffs ledge. For a few seconds Skylar felt the bliss of being airborne but as soon as that feeling came it went away and was replaced by the sheer terror of falling from a 100 foot cliff. Screaming, she prepared for impact with the ground as she counted the seconds till her doom. Woosh! Suddenly, Skylar stopped falling and was rising steadily in the air instead of falling towards the ground. She looked behind her. Two enormous brown wings with white primary feathers had emerged from her back where her shoulder blades were and were carrying her up. Flapping them effortlessly she rose higher and higher until she couldn't even see the cliff anymore into the clouds above...

Tori ran through the desert gasping for breath. Must keep running! Her mind kept repeating. She was being chased by a evil looking four armed woman with glowing green eyes. Tori spotted a cave and ran in as she collapsed panting on the cool rock, away from the scorching heat and that crazy lady chasing her. In the corner of her eye there was movement and spun around to face it. A black snake slithered by with dagger-like horns and large poison tipped fangs. It lunged jaws snapping and bit her on the foot. She cried out in pain and watched as her feet went numb and then in a flash instead of legs she had a long, light pink, scaly tail similar to a snakes. Searching for anymore differences in herself she noticed fangs where her human canines should be and sharp nails that were possibly tipped in poison. Before she could say, "cool!" All of a sudden she felt herself fall... Down, down, down into a dark hole...

Gabby was terrified. For the optimistic girl she was, she couldn't think of anything good about this moment. A four armed mad woman was gaining on her as she sped across many big sand dunes and through a lot of tall, green reeds. As she vaulted the next sand dune like she did practiced in gymnastics, she saw a gigantic lake that stretched as far as her eyes could see. Looking back, she watched the woman grow closer and closer thinking she looked like someone she knew but couldn't put her finger on it. Even though she looked familiar she still wanted to get away from the scary creature.
She thought to herself, "Let's see if four arms can swim!" And dove into the chilly waters.
The last thing she saw as she sunk to the bottom, running out of air from holding her breath awhile, was the fuzzy flickering of her legs transforming into the shiny orange of a mermaids tail...

Kyomi loved running, but not this kind. Glancing back she saw the green glare of her four armed foe grabbing at her through the tall grasses of the big plain Kyomi was darting through. All of a sudden, the sky went black. Kyomi's first thought was an eclipse. A tingling began in the palms of her hands and spread through her body as she examined them. Her new necklace gleamed and grew hot around her neck where it lay harmlessly. What is going on?! She thought as her face contorted and changed and her limbs shrank forcing her on all fours. Claws and paws formed instead of hands and her hair started grow, covering her whole body in thick, gray fur. When the transformation was complete and the tingling stopped she looked down and yelped, shocked. Kyomi was far enough from the crazed hag to have time to look in a nearby puddle, examining herself. A gray and reddish tinged wolf gazed back at her with liquid brown eyes and small red hairs on her muzzle, mimicking her freckles almost perfectly. "Now this is just weird!" Kyomi said but it came out more gruff than her regular voice but all the same it was still her voice. She looked behind her glimpsing a tail and heard the four armed hag finally gaining ground.
"Let's see how fast I can run now! Kyomi thought and took off like a bullet running and dodging boulders, trees and other natural things in a plain.
When she came to a canyon she took a big flying leap and flew over the canyon... Only to be a few inches short and slipped off the canyon's edge into freezing water below...

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