Chapter 8: The A-Maze-Ing Skylar

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The girls walked, yet again, amidst the big tall grass of the plain. Upon reaching the edge of the grass, they stopped and gazed at the tall structure before them.
The maze entrance was sealed by a large, iron vault door.
"Well this looks like fun." Stated Skylar sarcastically.
"I got this." Said Scarlett taking a new pouch off her belt. She sprinkled some light green dust onto the ground in front of the vault and whispered "crescat".
"Peridot powder." Said Scarlett as thick rose stalks began to grow in the place of the dust, "Plant element".
Huge green vines with wicked black thorns flew out of the ground and into the sky. Scarlett waved her hand and made a pulling motion. The vines copied her, pulling on the vault door and bringing it down... To reveal the head of a big maroon dragon!
Skylar held in a gasp and stayed stock still as the others retreated into the safety of the grass. "Skylar what are you doing?! You're gonna die!" Gabby whisper shouted.
Skylar was frozen still as a statue as the dragon shifted and slowly opened one emerald eye. She stared back with as much awe as fear. Sensing the dragons curiosity, Skylar tried to slowly back into the grass where her friends were but the dragon made a loud noise that sounded like stones grinding and she froze in her tracks.
"HMHMmhhhmmm!" The dragon made the sound again, it kind of sounded like... Laughing?
"I'm not going to hurt you." Said a rumbling voice.
"Did you just talk?!" Skylar asked the mighty beast, incredulous.
"Yes, I can talk young winged one." The dragon answered with an amused tone.
"Oh, what is your name?" She questioned the talking dragon.
"I am called Forte." he said.
"My name is Skylar." Skylar told him.
"And who are your friends?" Asked Forte, pointing a claw towards the grass where her friend were huddling.
"Come on out you guys!" Skylar called and four  heads popped out of the grass.
"I won't bite." Forte added.
Gabby was out first and was all over Forte; examining his wings, sitting on his head, even hanging from his tail.
"This is so awesome!" She squealed, sliding down his back.
"I'm glad someone's not scared." Said Forte with a toothy smile.
"Who're you calling scared?" Protested Kyomi with her ears down causiously. She peered out from behind Tori and Scarlett who were watching the events with interest.
"Forte, can you help us?" Asked Skylar.
"That depends on what you want help with." Forte replied.
"We need to get through the maze." Skylar said.
"All I can give you is this because my job is to guard this passage and I will only let in those who are worthy." Forte handed a small piece of paper pinched between his claws to Skylar.
"I only hope it will do you good. Farewell young friends!" He spread his majestic wings wide and flew away.
Skylar opened the paper and was surprised. On it contained a fine detail map of the maze before them.
"Now that we've got a map we have a chance." Started Skylar.
"Alright but where are we?" Asked Scarlett.
"Here." Gabby pointed to an entrance at the bottom of the parchment.
"Ok, now how long do you think it will take?" Asked Kyomi.
"Approximately a day." Answered Scarlett quickly.
"Let's get moving then." Said Skylar and they entered the maze.

A few hours later the sky turned orange for the beginning of dusk.
"Time to rest." Said Scarlett and everyone plopped down on the dry soil.
"I'm starving." Said Gabby, always the first one to point out everyone's hunger.
"Okay." Said Kyomi and she dropped her pack on the ground. "Let's see what we've got."
Their provisions were still steady so each girl took a granola bar and split the fruit they had picked and saved earlier on.
Once their stomachs were satisfied, they laid out their sleeping bags and prepared to rest.
"I'll keep watch." Scarlett spoke up and no one argued because they were so exhausted.

A couple hours later Scarlett heard a stirring in the midst of the four sleeping girls she was guarding. A couple seconds after Skylar came up behind her and sat down. After a moment of silence, Skylar said,"Where are you from?"
The question made Scarlett's blood turn to ice.
"Why do you wish to know?" She prompted.
"Well, you were interested in where we were from so I was wondering about you." Skylar answered.
Another moment of silence hit.
"I grew up here. In the very region of this world you are heading."
"My mother... She... She's not one of the most friendliest of people, so this is my first mission in another part of this realm."
"T-that's not what I meant!" Said Scarlett trying to backup the conversation quickly. "I'm not that special to have a mission or anything!"
"I think your pretty cool." Skylar said fondly and Scarlett almost burst into tears at the admiration in Skylar's voice.
"I-I'm glad you think so." Said Scarlett. "Can you take watch?"
"Of course!" Skylar replied and Scarlett tucked into her sleeping bag as quick as a pixie.

In the morning, everyone packed up, ate some provisions Scarlett had found on her journey and continued on the road.
The sun was beating down on Kyomi's neck as it rose higher and higher into the sky. "How far is the exit?" She whined.
"Can you just hold out a few more turns?" Tori told her, examining the map.
"I s'pose." Kyomi's mumbled.
Suddenly, a hedge to their right shook with violent tremors. They froze as a lions head poked out of the thick branches. "Well well what do we have here?" Purred the lion.
It moved further out of the undergrowth and they realized it wasn't exactly a lion but a griffin! It had bright gold talons for front paws and a 20 foot wingspan of similar colored feathers attached to its shoulder blades. The rest of the creature was like a lion though, with back paws and a tuft of creamy tan fur on the end of its tail. "What are you doing here all alone?"
"I could ask you the same question." Said Gabby which surprised the group by her bravery.
"I am not the one alone." Said the griffin and a familiar black werewolf came prowling out of the hedge behind it.
"Hello my little piggies." He smirked a toothy grin. "I've got a little help this time."
The girls could hear bones cracking as his bones jutted out of his shoulder blades and connected together to form skeletal wings. The black wolf leader screamed a howl in pain as his skin stretched over the bony appendages and inky black feathers sprouted over the thinly stretched skin. Wobbly on his feet, he attempted to stand but collapsed as a new wave of changes over came him. Spikes protruded from his spine one by one as long black horns shaped like walrus tusks shot from his skull between his ears. His canine fangs extended into ravenous blades like a sabertooth Tigers and his claws extended into talons as well. The griffin watched all of the changes without emotion and Scarlett looked stricken at the pained wolf.
Once the changes were complete, the leader stood and seemed to pulse with a new threatening strength. "Who's ready for dinner?" He asked with a devious smile.
"I think I'll pass." Said Skylar.
"I don't think we have a choice." Gabby said with worry.
The wolf leader snarled and his pack plus the griffin attacked.
"Get behind me!" Shouted Scarlett as she threw some blue powder down. "Glaciem murum!"
Instantly, a ice wall shot from the ground creating a thick shield between the girls and the werewolf team.
"This isn't going to hold forever!" Said Scarlett, panic filling her voice. "What are we going to do?!"
Just as she said, the ice wall was already beginning to crack under the combined attack of the enemy.
Glancing up, Gabby noticed something. "Incoming!" Shouted she shouted and a large shadow passed over them.
In a flurry of dust and pebbles, Forte landed in the passage way.
"Get on." He boomed and the girls didn't hesitate to crawl up his spiked back.
Forte then extended his wings and thrust his wings downward with tremendous force, shattering the ice wall and throwing the wolf and griffin backwards. Also sending Forte high over the maze.
"Yahoo!" Exclaimed Skylar and she dived off his back and into the open sky.
"Go Forte! Thanks so much!" Cheered Gabby.
"We're landing now, hold on please." Forte told his passengers.
He landed on a path near the exit of the maze. "Continue a bit further on from here to get to the seas." Forte said and turned to leave.
"Wait!" Skylar cried and she ran and hugged him forearm, which was the only thing she could reach.
Forte bent his neck and nuzzled her hair with his snout. "Farewell young winged friend." He said and raised his wings in an arc.
"Bye!" Skylar waved and Forte flew up into the clouds.
"Now I guess we continue walking..." Said Tori staring at the short path ahead with reluctance.

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