Chapter 2 : Discovery

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Kyomi woke to screaming. It was so loud but hurt her ears. Instantly awake, she bolted into the bathroom where the ear piercing shrieks were coming from. In the bathroom, Skylar stood facing the mirror freaking out; for good reason! Kyomi almost fainted at the sight of her friends back...she had wings?! Skylar spun around to face Kyomi eyes wide and panicked. Then they turned to horror.
"So! W-what's with the w-wings?" Asked Kyomi with as much casualty she could muster at the moment.
"I would like to ask you the same question about your e-ears." Replied Skylar with the same wobbly tone.
Kyomi's heart dropped. "W-what?" She turned to look in the mirror in fear and also... awe. Poking through her bed head of curly, reddish hair were a pair of fuzzy gray wolf ears exactly like the ones in her dream last night. She noted that her canines were longer and pointier like fangs and she had a gray tail and sharp nails as well.
Glancing back at her friend, Kyomi managed a couple breaths before saying,"We're dreaming!"
"I don't think so unless we are all having the same crazy dream." Skylar remarked pointing to Gabby and Tori who shuffled in bleary eyed like zombies. After they splashed water onto their faces and had fully woken up they noticed Kyomi's ears and claw-like nails, then Skylars big wings that kept fluttering making the little bathroom space even smaller. Surprised Gabby and Tori backed against the wall holding a hair brush as a weapon because Kyomi was still in the doorway and Skylar was backed up against the shower on the other side.
"Hold on it's us!" Said Kyomi revealing her teeth and they huddled together even tighter. Coming out of her cramped little space Skylar said, "Listen, you know we would never hurt you and this is even a bit bizzare for us but you need to help me and Kyomi." And she explained the whole thing to them. After telling what happened to Tori and Gabby, including Skylar and Kyomi's dreams, Tori and Gabby said they too had dreams and shared them with everyone.
"This must mean something." Tori said, thinking.
"Hmmm..." Tori took her fang looking necklace in her hands and it started to glow and grow warm. She felt a small familiar tingling in her legs as they melded together into a serpents scaly, pink tail and her canines grew sharper than Kyomi's filling with poison. Her skin grew tougher and to finish her nails grew pointed and filled with poisonous liquid too. When the transformation was complete they all looked at Tori and realized what that meant..... The "dream" was real!

As Gabby thought about this new development an idea came... Why don't we just take the jewelry off? It got us into this mess surely it can get us out. She pulled on her ring. It didn't budge so she tried harder but it only ended up pinching her skin.
"Hey guys? Bad news... The jewelry doesn't come off!" Stated Gabby aloud. For a second they looked at her but then tried to remove their jewelry. Kyomi couldn't find a latch and it wouldn't go over her head, Tori couldn't bite hers or get her poison to melt it, and Skylar couldn't slip her bracelet off. Gabby was right, they weren't coming off. Tori transformed back by touching her necklace briefly again and Kyomi's stomach started to rumble.
"I don't know about all of you but I'm kind of hungry and its breakfast time anyway." Said Kyomi looking at the clock.
"What are you going to have? Little pigs for breakfast?" Tori joked.
"That is so not funny!" Growled Kyomi.
"Yeah it is!" Said Gabby howling with laughter."but I'm hungry to so let's raid the pantry for something to eat!"

While Kyomi, Skylar and Tori made eggs and pancakes, Gabby worked on the drinks and set the table. Grabbing a heavy jug of orange juice, Gabby hauled it to the counter. She popped the top on it, since it was a new carton, and the jug exploded sending lots of orange juice into the air and causing it to fall back down like rain. "Yikes!" Exclaimed Gabby getting soaked.
"Be careful!" Scolded Skylar. Gabby grabbed a towel and started mopping up the puddles of juice that were everywhere. Suddenly, to her surprise, her ring started to glow.
"This can't be good!" Said Gabby.
"What?" Asked Skylar and then noticed her ring.
"Uh oh..." She said turning away from the eggs to help Gabby.
Instantly, in front of their eyes, Gabby was on the floor sporting a shiny, orange mermaid tail instead of her legs she had only seconds ago.
"Whoops.."said Tori. Abandoning their jobs the four friends helped Gabby into a chair so she could dry herself off. When she was dry, there was another little flash of light and her tail split and transformed back into legs again.
"Well that was... interesting." Gabby said, unsure whether she should get back up or not.
"No kidding!"said Kyomi who came to sit at the table and eat.
"And I wasn't even the one to get a tail!" They all looked at her.
"Well at least a fish one." She corrected, wolf tail waving behind her.

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