Chapter 7 : Scarlett (short chapter)

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When Gabby awoke, Tori and Pascal were tending to Kyomi best they could but she could tell Kyomi had gotten worse overnight even if the leaves from earlier had soothed a little pain.
"You know some Torch berries and obsidian could work miracles on your friend there." Said a friendly voice behind her. Gabby whirled around....only to find empty air.
Confused she called, "Who's there?!"
"What are you talking about Gabby?" Asked Tori from where she was with Pascal and Kyomi. "You ok?"
"Yeah! Fine!" Gabby said back. "I must be hearing voices." Muttered Gabby.
"Tut tut, even where I come from hearing voices lead to insanity. You might want to get that checked out, tee hee!" Said the voice again but this time up in the tree behind her. She looked up. High above her in some branches was a very interesting girl.
"I told you some Torch berries will help your friend." She stated again plainly.
"W-who are you?" Asked Gabby squinting up at her high perch in the tree.
"Hold on I'm coming down!" She called and jumped. At the last moment there was a flash of red and she was suddenly holding a red scythe. She used the scythe to hook it into the tree and slow down her descent. When she reached the ground she somehow made the scythe disappear again and she held out a hand.
"My name is Scarlett by the way." The noise attracted both Tori and Skylar, who had gotten up by now, and left Pascal to tend to Kyomi while they came up behind Gabby to meet the strange, new girl. Scarlett had black, shoulder length hair with red ends and she had piercing blue eyes with a scar over the right. She was wearing a black combat dress and she wore black and white striped leggings along with some black, lace up boots. To finish the assemble she had a red cloak with a hood that she pulled up at that very moment. Somehow she managed to dissappear and reappear right next to Kyomi and Pascal.
"Thank you for your assistance, Pascal. You are free to go." Scarlett told Pascal and he crawled away into the bushes.
"Hey! He was helping!" Protested Tori.
"He isn't who you think he is." Scarlett replied and that was all she said on the matter.
She knelt down and opened one of the pouched attached to the black belt around her waist. She pulled out some sort of red berries that were about the size of sunflower seeds and grabbed a rock beginning to crush them up. Reaching back into another pocket, she pulled out a vial of sparkly black powder and sprinkled it into her mushed up berries.
"What are you-?" Skylar started but Scarlett held up a finger giving her the "shush" sign. She took the rock with the paste and smeared the "medicine" onto a leaf from yet another pocket and put it in Kyomi's open, moaning mouth. Tasting the substance in her mouth, Kyomi began chewing and her body relaxed in relief from the pain. Scarlett motioned Tori, Skylar and Gabby over as they stared in awe. Gabby put a hand to Kyomi's forehead and said,"Her fevers gone down!"
"It should also get rid of that nasty poison." Said Scarlett finally speaking to them.
"What are those berries you used?" Tori asked Scarlett.
"Torch berries, they can extract poison or a tainted substance from anything." Replied Scarlett.
"And the powder?" Questioned Gabby, eyes wide with curiosity.
"Only obsidian dust. Mixed with the right things it can do whatever you want it to." Said Scarlett. "If you have the right skills." She added. Then realization dawned on Skylar from the similarity this girl had with her grandmother.
"You're a witch. Aren't you?" Said Skylar and Scarlett nodded, "Yep! Scarlett, at your service!"
"Then maybe you can help us." Skylar replied. "Do you know anyone by the name of Avia anywhere around here?" Suddenly Scarlett's expression became hard trying to hide something.
"W-why would you like to know?..." Stated Scarlett.
"We need to help our...friends. They're in trouble." Pleaded Gabby. "But we don't know where she lives and we need someone that lives here to help us."
"You don't live here?" Questioned Scarlett in a suspicious tone after Gabby had realized what she had said.
""answered Gabby uneasily.
"Oh I see that's why you'd like my help." Scarlett said, her face brightening into a smile. "I'd love to help you as soon as your wolfy friend is up and movin'."
The girls sighed in relief.
"And since it's obviously a tender topic I don't believe you would tell me where your from?" Asked Scarlett.
"We are from a totally different world..." Tori trailed off.

After the sun has risen, Kyomi was feeling herself again and everyone was anxious to get moving.
"Now that your better," started Scarlett, "I suggest we get moving; it's a far walk there, especially since you have been going the wrong way the whole time." She smiled nicely.
"About that...." Gabby smiled sheepishly and Skylar playfully smacked her upside the head. "Lets go!" Said Kyomi happily and they set off for the hedges that were on the other side of the grasslands.

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