Chapter 4 : Adventure Time

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After the tour and a day of classes Skylar, James, Kyomi, Alex, Gabby, Zach, Tori and Lucas met in the courtyard.
"Is anyone doing anything tonight?" Skylar asked them.
"No." They all answered at the same time. "Well does anyone want to come over for a campout in my backyard tonight?"
"Sure!" "Yeah!" "Neat." "Cool." Was various answers.
"Well then it's settled. Meet me at my house at 7 and we'll get the party started!" Said Skylar and she group texted them all her address.

It was 7:30 and Skylar and the girls were still waiting for the boys to show up. There was a knock at the door and Skylar went to answer it; the boys weren't there. Instead, a nice looking, white haired, -about 70 year old- lady stood at the door holding a suitcase.
"Who are you?" Asked Gabby, curiously, from behind Skylar.
"Um, Ms? I think you have the wrong house." Said Skylar.
"Nonsense Skylar your grandmother knows what she's doing!" Said the lady.
"What?!" They all exclaimed.
"By any chance are you the grandmother Tina that gave us our jewelry?" Asked Tori bravely. "Indeed I am." Answered the lady with a type of medieval accent. "Now may I come in? I have some vital information to tell you."
"Oh! Yes! Yes! Come in!" Skylar gestured to her grandmother.
"Thank you." Said Tina.
"Skylar? Who's at the door?" Called Casey, Skylar's stepmom.
"Ugh! I forgot about Aunt Casey!" Said Skylar to herself.
"Just Tori's grandmother! She forgot her phone!" She yelled back, coming up with a quick answer.
"Okay honey. Tell her thank you!"
"Sure!" Replied Skylar.
To Skylar's grandmother Gabby said,"To Skylar's room! Come on!" And led the way.

In Skylar's room, Skylar came in and shut the door behind her, locking it for secretive purposes.
"So? What the news?" Said Kyomi. "Of course." Said Tina.
"You see, the boys aren't coming-"
"Traitors!" Hissed Tori.
"Not quite." Said Tina, unfazed by the interruption.
"As I was saying, the boys won't be coming because they have been kidnapped."
"By who?" Asked Kyomi.
"Avia Ride." Tina told the girls.
"What?!" They all exclaimed.
"But she's dead!!!" Protested Skylar.
"Not true." Said Tina. "They never found your mothers body correct?"
"Yes..."said Skylar and she trailed off. "But what about my father?"
"He did pass away and I am sorry about that." Said Tina sadly. "But your mother survived, she fled right after the crash; her powers saving herself and your father protecting you instead of himself with his own magic."
"Wait, did you say magic?" Asked Kyomi as her ears perked up and her hood fell down.
"Yes I did and I see you can already use yours." Answered Tina pointing at Kyomi's ears sticking up. Kyomi flattened them self consciously.
"B-but what-? Why didn't s-she come back for me?" Whimpered Skylar, tears forming.
"I'm sorry to say this but your mother is bad, Skylar. She was corrupted by various dark magic years ago. She didn't want to face the police after the crash so she ran....leaving you behind. But now she wants you to follow in her ways and to imprison your friends and anyone you or they care about; starting with James, Alex, Zach and Lucas. She also took them to lure you to her world so you would rescue them and be caught in the process."
"We need to help them." Said Tori.
"Well duh but how are supposed to do that? It's not like we can get to her world or anything." "That's where I come in." Said Tina and took a bag out of her purse.
"What's up with the marbles?" Asked Gabby. "These are no marbles, Gabby." Said Tina. "They are portals. They can transfer you back and forth between the two worlds at any time. The only trick is that you can only use each marble once."
"Great! Now what will we need?" Said Skylar. "I will provide bags for you and they will be transported inside with you when you go; so are you ready?" Said Tina.
"Wait! One question." Said Kyomi.
"Yes?" Asked Tina. "What about our families? Won't they know we're missing?" Said Gabby. "Good question my dear!" Tina said "but no need to worry. Time travels differently in the other world. Every day you spend there, about a second passes here. Does that answer help?" "Yes, thank you ma'am." Said Gabby politely. "Are you ready now?" Asked Tina.
"Ready as I'll ever be." Muttered Kyomi as Tina threw a portal marble at a wall.
"Alright step right in then!" Said Tina and one by one the girls stepped in the human sized circle in the wall. Skylar felt herself spinning, faster and faster until it wasn't her room anymore and was a blur of green hues and suddenly, blackness.

James, Lucas, Zach, and Alex woke shackled to a cool wall of rock. Everything was dark and James couldn't see anything. "What? Where am I?" He thought.
"Hello?" called out James uncertainly. "Um...where are we?" He heard Zach say. "Don't really know..." Lucas trailed off.
When his eyes adjusted, James saw that him and his friends were lined up side by side on the stone wall.
"The last thing I remember was walking out of my house to Skylar's... Then this shadowy figure, I-I think it was a girl with a red cloak throwing something at me then.... Smoke?.... Then nothing... And, now I'm here..." Said Alex.
"Yeah that happened to me as well." Said Lucas.
"Same here." Said James.
"Me too." Said Zach. 
"Well, well! I see you have all awakened from your little nap?" A female voice rang out through the room. A pair of green eyes glowed from the corner as a woman with four arms and wings walked out of the shadows and into the light of the now-lit torches on the walls.
"To answer some of your questions, you have been kidnapped. And well no one will save you really, unless your little girlfriends can come and save you." The woman laughed and opened a skylight above giving way to a blue sky and letting in some light; enough to see that the woman standing there had brown hair, green eyes, brown wings and...four arms.
"I see you are surprised at my appearance. My mistake....I thought the girls would have told you already. No matter, I will let them tell you when they get here to 'rescue' you." She laughed once more.
"What's your name?" Demanded Zach, finding the courage to speak.
"Avia my dear captives, Avia Ride." The boys looked at each other in horror because they finally realized who she looked like....
"Skylar!" James said. Avia could have been Skylar's sister, besides the arms and the wings...
James stuck his hand in his pocket -that thankfully he could reach- and looked at the feather. The one Skylar had dropped. Interesting. He thought. It matched Avia's feathers almost exactly.
"Now I'd love to chat but I have things to do. My dear Rose, can you help these nice prisoners to bed?"
"As you wish..." Came an answer and a familiar figure stepped forward but stayed in the shadows. It was the figure who kidnapped them before!
"Nighty night!" Avia whispered and the boys fell into darkness again.

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