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I'm walking through the boys dorms building. In K-pop we have the boy- and girlgroups separated in two different buildings. We all don't know the exact meaning why, but people always tell me 'it's better this way'.

I've reached the dorm I was looking for and ring the doorbell. The door opens not much later, revealing Jisung smiling at me.

We had the idea to hang out together and since I've already sneaked into this building together with Akari without getting caught, I knew my way in.

The boy lets me in and I walk past him. The dorm looks like any other ordinary boys' dorm. There are clothes shattered in corners, empty cans of food and drinks on the tables, shirtless guys walking around who are always eating.

As I said, Chan and Changbin are working on a song together on the couch, shirtless, and eating chicken wings. Hyunjin is most likely avoiding them and locked himself up in his room, painting another painting.

The boys look up at me and smile. I smile back and walk to the kitchen, searching through the frigde to find some solid food.

"Don't you have anything to eat other than all this junkfood and protein shakes?" I shout to the living room and Jisung walks after me, leaning back on the counter.

"Don't tell me to go out for groceries, please," he begs and I chuckle while closing the door of the fridge, looking at him.

I don't know what it is with guys leaning on things like doorposts and counters, but it's hot in some way. I do have to admit I found out my feelings for Jisung a couple days ago when Gaeun and I were talking, so for him doing that, makes him even more attractive for some reason.

But then again, I highly doubt JYP would like any sort of a real relationship. Although it will just be like a fake one, he wants us to be focused on our job with no romance included.

Most people probably don't get that you can't focus when you have a crush altogether. A relationship would make it less. Well, that's my prediction.

"Jisung-ah, I can see you flirting!" Changbin shouts to the younger and Jisung turns his head to the male, gives him a death stare, and turns back to me like nothing happened.

"Let's go to my room, those brats are being annoying again." I nod and walk after him to his bedroom. Chan and Changbin on the couch wiggle their eyebrows at us, but I stick my tongue out to them before shutting the door behind me.

I sit down on his bed and watch him lock the door. He turns to me and smiles awkwardly. "Before they barge in here again. Happens all the time." I laugh at him and let myself fall on my back, bouncing a little on the soft mattress.

"What should we do?" I ask. The boy sits next to me and looks me in the eyes. He shrugs. "What do you want to do?"

We both have a day off today, since the interviews are over. Some of us have solo schedules, but mostly, everyone's making the best out of their first day off after the comeback.

I look around the room and see the television with concoles, which Jisung stole from the living room. I get up from the bed and walk towards it. "Do you have any good games?"

Jisung gets up and walks to me, looking through the games. He takes one out and shows me the game we played together before. "I got better at this since the last time we did it together." I take one console and sit back on the bed. "I'm going to beat your ass."

Three games later and I was wrong. Jisung is actually way better than me. He won again and I groan loudly. "This game is frustrating!" Jisung laughs at me and makes an L with his fingers. I roll my eyes at him and press a button on his console. "One more time."

He looks at me. "I like your perseverance, your majesty." I nudge him in the side and the game starts again.

This time, I have a plan. How bad is it to cheat on a game once in your life? So, I grab Jisung's console and raise it in the air, away from him, while trying to control mine. He tries to grab it, but it's a tiny bit too far for him to grab.

He gets closer to me, trying to get closer to the console. But, being the clumsy boy he is, falls on top of me trying to grab it. I panic and can't find anything else to look at other than his shiny eyes.

It turns silent between us. I can't even hear the game anymore. The only thing I can focus on are his beautiful features which are even more mesmerizing from this close.

Jisung looks deep into my eyes. He looks calm, but I see in his eyes that he's deciding something. He nods his head and I nod mine back at him, a silent agreement between us.

And so, he gets closer to me. I feel my heartbeat raising in my chest and can't think straight. The closer he comes to me, the harder my heart beats. Our faces are only inches away from each other and I'm getting a little impatient.

I move my head closer to his and close the gap between us and close my eyes. I feel Jisung's nerves fly away immediately and we both get comfortable in each other's embraces.

We move our lips together and he deepens the kiss. For what feels like an eternity, we stay in that position.

We only decide to part because we're both out of breath. We look each other deep in the eyes while breathing loudly. Jisung looks back at my lips and connects ours again. And this time, more passionately.

His tongue slips between my lips and explores my mouth, going over every part he can reach. I move my hands in his hair and play with it, also trying to move him closer to me.

We get interrupted by Chan yelling loudly. "Are you kids okay?"

We both get startled and part again. Jisung groans at his leader. "We're good!" We look at each other again and I smile at him. "You're good?" He nods his head and smiles so bright like a little kid who just got his favorite ice cream. "Better than good."

He drops himself down on me and cuddles into the hoodie I'm wearing, hiding his face in it. I continue playing with his hair. Only then, I notice the game still playing and funny enough, I won.

"Well look at that, I did win in the end." The boy moves his head to the television. He grabs the remote and shuts the game off. Our eyes meet again and he smiles. "Congratulations, sweetheart."



Idk what I just wrote down, but I do know I felt slightly uncomfy while doing so. But I still hope you liked this and the story overall!

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