Chapter 1

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"Jason hurry up I don't have all day" I yelled from the stairs. Jason scrambled to get all the remaining boxes and was barely able to get down the stairs. "Can you help me with this most of this is yours anyway" he asked. I rolled my eyes and grabbed some boxes lifting the weight off his shoulders. Me and Jason walked to the U all truck and put the rest of our boxes into the truck.

"You ready kids for our big adventure" my dad exclaimed. He was only excited because there were a lot of abandoned buildings in Sherwood that he could destroy and make more money. Me and Jason both groaned and got into his BMW with the U-haul tied behind us with Jason's motorcycle in it.

We got in and got one final look at our old place I really wouldn't call it our home because well it didn't feel like a home. Homes are forever and this was only temporary and so was Sherwood as soon as my Dad got what he wanted we were going to move to Orlando Florida.

Jason elbowed me in the ribs to get my attention I pulled my attention away from our place and turned to him. "Ouch, what the fuck Jason?" I snapped at him. He held his hands up in defense "Relax Y/n just trying to stop you from crying because we are moving again" he teased. "I wasn't going to cry and you know I care as much as you when it comes to moving".

He dug his hand into his trench coat and pulled out a Walkman. And out an
AC/DC tape into it put his headphones on his head and leaned onto the window looking at the passing fields. I pulled out my notebook and started to sketch things trying to pass the time. Several hours later we were in Kentucky, my dad parked at a small gas station where I was able to get out and walk on my tired legs.

I and Jason stretched are backs popping and walked into the small gas station it smelled like dogs it wasn't very clean. I grabbed some chips made me up to the front and put it all up there I waited for Jason but he didn't come up to the front instead he walked out.
Figures he stealing it is another reason why Jason loves his trench coat easy to hide shit in it. "Ma'am, is this all you're buying?" The cashier asked me snapping me out of my thought.

"Yes sir" I walked out with my bags of chips and snacks and got into the car where Jason was drinking a slushie and popping some chips into his mouth. "You could have easily paid for that Jason" I lectured him he rolled his eyes "That guy has plenty of business and besides what are five dollars going to do for him" he laughed. I was surprised he didn't tell me some Shakespeare bullshit or quote some old philosopher. 

I looked at my Dad who was smoking a cigar and blowing it out the window not seeming to pay attention. I could hear Jason's stupid music playing while he didn't pay much attention or care. We started on the highway once again my dad going faster than the speed limit of course.

I soon fell asleep before I was elbowed into my side once again. "What?!" I snapped Jason tried not to laugh. "Why hello sleeping beauty wanna do you the bottle trick it night and not too many cars on the road" he whispered to me so are dad wouldn't hear. I looked out the window and he was right I turned back to Jason he smirked at me "Sure why not".

Jason smiled even more grabbed an old beer bottle from the floor and handed it to me as I got an old rag and stuffed it into the bottle. Jason got some lighter fuel from the back seat pocket that are dad kept for his lighters he refused to throw away. Jason poured some into the bottle and swirled it around in the bottle making sure the rag was soaked. "Every act of creation is first an act of destruction Pablo Picasso said that" Jason quoted another famous person.

"Do you always have to quote some dead guy?" I said annoyed he rolled his eyes and rolled down his window looking both ways and then lit the rag like it was four of July it lit he hurried and dropped it and it rolled then broke causing cars behind us to swerve and pull over. It was a small puddle of fire.

"Least it wasn't as bad as last time we caused cars to wreck into one another and we made the news" I laughed. Jason felt the rush of adrenaline and smiled "No one knows who did it either" he grinned from ear to ear. Our dad looked into the review mirror "Kids what did you do ?" He smiled a smile he and Jason both had. "Nothing just some idiot forgot to hit it breaks," I said.

Are dad laughed and looked back onto the road sometimes I wonder if he even knows what me and Jason are like what are flaws are what even are favorite color is but the thing is we live different lives he rents a place go to work destroy homes come back watch TV and repeat. No one word to us until we move.

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