Chapter 7

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Y/n pov

"Y/n !" Jason yelled then shook me awake. My eyes opened and a smell hit me it was Jason's nasty cologne. I pushed Jason's hands away "fuck off I get it geez," I say getting up from my bed and stretching. Jason then left and I soon got ready and headed down.

My dad was sitting at the table drinking his black coffee and reading the newspaper while Jason was slurping on a slushie. "God Jason eat real food your teeth are going to be rotting out of your head" I lectured. He rolled his eyes and continued slurping. "She's right boy how are you going to be strong like your old man if all you do is drink sugary drinks" Dad butted in.

Jason walked out slamming the door behind him. Leaving me and my dad alone in the kitchen. "Want breakfast champ?" I shook my head and soon met Jason on the porch. Jason was leaning against the porch smoking a cigarette. He took a drag and then spoke "I don't know why he acting like he gives a damn". I shrugged "I don't know Jason he like that sometimes".

Jason then walked off the porch with the cigarette in his mouth went to his motorcycle and then took off.
Dick, he left me here stranded I don't even know where the school is.

✨️At Westerburg High✨️

Heather C pov

I watched as all the rejects walked in and went to their lockers. "God, did you see that girl's shoes geez where did she go to the 99-cent store?" Heather scowled as she pointed to the girl. Then Heather began laughing and teasing her.
Veronica was beside me against the lockers writing in her diary. Such a lame ass who writes in a diary anymore, it isn't 87 anymore.

God when did school become such a drag it used to be fun making fun of the tiny freshmen and the stupid nerds. No one to entertain me with anymore.
All of a sudden I felt a stab in the side I snapped my head to Heather that stupid brown-haired bitch elbowed me. "What the fuck Heather?!" I hissed I was about to beat the shit out of her. "Sorry Heather but look some new greasy nobody is here he looks like he got his clothes from the dumpster-".

"Shut up Heather" I snapped I looked over at the new kid. He looked like some fucking Jessie James wanna-be with his greasy slicked back hair. And trenchcoat God what a wanna criminal. He trying way too hard to be "mysterious".

I then started to make fun of him with the girls but Veronica just kept staring with her mouth open. God what is wrong with the girl I honestly wonder if she is right in the head. "Earth to Veronica?" I called out Veronica looking over at me she looked flustered.
"Oh don't tell me he's the one you wanna throw yourself to?" I asked. I couldn't believe she was into some Jessie James kid.

"Um it's not um Heather" Veronica stuttered out. "Oh my God she is so into him" Heather teased. I glared at her she instantly was quiet. God can't believe I'm friends with that dumb dandelion.
I walked up to Veronica inches away from her. "Keep that nasty crush to yourself and don't go for it" I ordered pointing my finger into my chest. She nodded and looked away ashamed like a sad puppy.

"Now let's go to class girls before Mr. Brimfield gives us detention".

Y/n pov

God damnit I'm so screwed I thought as I ran up the stairs of the school. My old man dropped me off I made it into the building with the hallways were crowded as expected. I pushed my way through the whores and jocks and managed to get to the office.

The office smelled like coffee and it was freezing in there. I went to the front desk to see a women smacking on her gum and smelling like cats the woman looked up at me and frowned. "What can I do for you?" she said in a monotone tone. Great she seems to "love" her job how sarcastic can someone be?

"Hi I'm Y/n Dean I'm new I'm-" she then cut me off. "Ah your brother just came by and got his schedule here your schedule" she handed it to me. "Now you only get one lose it that's on you not me now we have someone here to escort you around the school and take you to your classes" she rambled on.
"Now, go sit down and wait for her".

I went and found a chair and sat in it the chair was squeaky. God how cheap is this school I thought. I kind of wanted the girl to be Heather but also I didn't I was just an idiot. Time went by and I just still sat in that chair. It was half an hour before the girl came.

"Ms Dean here is your tour guide now please be nice and respectful and she be the same with you". Jesus, why are they treating me like a criminal? I then stood and walked over it was the same girl I had seen at the 7/11. Veronica, I think her name is.

We then walked out of the office and began to walk the halls. "Your name is Veronica correct?" I asked. She then turned to me surprised her eyes were a pretty dark brown. "You are correct you know my friend Heather" I then nodded. The tour was boring and awkward and for some reason when we would walk the halls, people moved out of the way well not for me but for Veronica like she was some queen.

"What are you the queen of school?" I joked she awkwardly smiled. "No, I'm not but Heather is she rules the school with an iron fist so watch out also how do you know her?" She asked me. I felt my heart skip a beat the queen of Westerburg High Heather is? Never would have thought I mean I knew she probably is high on the food chain but that high is impressive.

"Oh well we met cause I returned her cat Snowball"

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