Chapter 1

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ElliexWhite3 posted

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user182747298 R U ON A PLANE??
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user736392729 Another travel vlog? 🫣
user637262744 she's with maya so probably 🤭
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Somewhere in London

"Ughhh. We finally made it off that ratchet plane." Maya dragged her luggage behind her. "Our tickets were paid in full. And to be fair we were only on it for an hour and a half." I rolled my eyes at her. How could one individual be so ungrateful.

We both walked outside of the airport. The sidewalks were filled with people calling out to taxis and whoever else was picking them up. "They said that they would be waiting for us at the very end." I made my way to the end with Maya trailing behind me, very slowly, might I add.

There was a black SUV with a man standing outside of it. His attire seemed formal enough that he stood out from everybody else. I approached the man, extending a hand to him. "Hello, I'm assuming you're...David?" I shook his hand. "Correct." He flashed me a smile and introduced himself to Maya as well. "I'll load your luggage into the car. You ladies just relax, try to get some sleep for tomorrow." He took our suitcases and ushered us into the backseats of the SUV.

Maya slid into the seat next to me. "Roomy." She began to spread her legs out. "I can't wait to get to the hotel." I let out a sigh, pulling out my phone. "Me too. We were really lucky to get booked in last minute, y'know." She crossed her arms over her chest, looking out the tinted window.

I checked my Instagram, looking at all the comments from my recent post. One comment in particular caught my eye.

jobebellingham I know something you don't I know something you will never know. 🤫
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Why is Jobe Bellingham commenting on my post..? Especially being cryptic like that.

I scroll through the replies, reading all of the ridiculous speculations that everybody was making, trying to guess what he meant by that.

"Whatcha lookin' at?" Maya leans over, getting a better view of my screen. "Jobe Bellingham commented this on my post." I showed her the comment and all the replies. "These comments are KILLING me." She giggled to herself. "They're scaring me." I frowned at her. "Don't stress. I'm sure it's nothing and he's just poking fun." She pats my shoulder and goes back to doing her own thing.


"I didn't think we were going to make it before 12 A.M. but we did it." Maya rolled her suitcase into the lobby area. "That traffic was insane." I walked up to the receptionist.

"Hi, how may I help you?" The woman asked. "I have a room booked for 2 under the name Eleanor White." I tell her. She types on her keyboard and nods. She hands us 2 keycards. "Breakfast starts at 6 and ends at 8." She smiles. Maya and I made our way to the room. Of course the elevator had to take decades to get to our floor.

I pressed the keycard against the sensor and it clicked open. "Thank you Lord." Maya rushed in, throwing her suitcase on the bed closest to the AC. "Seriously..?" I glared at her. "Yes. Now I don't know about you... but I'm going to take a shower." She grabbed a change of clothes from out her suitcase and went to the bathroom.

A half an hour later

ElliexWhit3 posted

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user18374997 I literally called it. She's in London.🤩
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trentarnold66 🤫
user184738389 Trent get out of her comment section 😭😭
user739373186 careful, your fangirl is showing 😰
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Maya kept calling out my name, but couldn't get my attention. After a while she took my phone from me. "Stop playing on your phone and take a shower. You stink." She tosses the phone on her bed. "Woooow. Tell me why I decided to bring you on this trip?" I rolled my eyes, grabbing a pair of clothes. "Because, I'm your protection." She flopped onto her bed. "Right..." I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower.

While showering all I could think about was the podcast tomorrow. After all it would've been the first one I've ever been on. I probably wouldn't even be here if it weren't for Maya. And no, I don't mean that in a good way.

I got changed, did my skincare routine and made my way to bed. Maya seemed to have already been fast asleep. Her back was to me but the loud snoring gave it away.

I checked my phone one last time, seeing a message from the Podcasters.

I hope the hotel is to your liking. Make sure to rest up! We look forward to seeing you tomorrow morning.

I smiled at the message. Then I checked the time. 11:28. It's getting pretty late.. I should get to bed. I got under the covers and put my phone back on the night stand. Tomorrow is going to be a looong day.


That Night | 𝘑𝘶𝘥𝘦 𝘉𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘩𝘢𝘮Where stories live. Discover now