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There was nothing that could prepare me for this...

Lucas, Sami, and Monica standing by the door. Smiles on their faces. The warmth that came across wasn't what almost made me break down in a heap again. The bags underneath, the dried tries streaks, the redness. Why would they? Why would they cry? I'm sure I have no value to them. So why the tears?

The tight grip that she kept as her hand clung to mine. They streamed down her cheeks like a river. "I'm sorry. I'm such a stupid friend. I didn't see that you—"

"Because I didn't want you to see," my words ran out before I could catch them. "I didn't want any of you to get involved." The waves crashed; a thick sob settled in my throat. Like a dam, the waves began to break through. "I didn't want any of you to get dragged into this. This isn't your battle to fight."

"It became our fight the minute they started that smear campaign on you involving us," Sami replied.

"You think we're going to let you fight this alone, Meghan? After everything they did to you, even pushing you this far again?" Monica asked.

Now it was time for the dam to break, it shattered. Jaxson's arms were encircled, pulling into his chest. He began rubbing the back of my head as a sign of comfort. Now I wasn't crying because I was sad or depressed. I was crying because I was angry. Everything I've been through, all these people I was going to leave. I was angry at myself because this was what they wanted. For me to take the easy way out. They want me dead. They want me dead so they can have a grave to spit on. A grave to stomp on. A grave to stand on and celebrate their victory.

"You were never alone, Meg," Sami's voice was heightened, tears streaming down her beautiful brown skin. "You'll always have us. It's okay to ask for help. That's why we're here. Don't carry this alone."

"I wanted to protect you. I wanted—"

"They were going to go after us no matter what, Meg. They want you alone. They want you weak. They don't want you to have a team. Because we're the best team in the world." Monica tried to light up the mood.

"I'm sorry you all got dragged into this. Especially you," when those brooding, grayish eyes locked with mine. It felt like the world was sucked into a vortex leaving the two of us standing on our two feet. "You had nothing to do with this. I probably ruined your future."

The chuckle he let out sounded like a car starting up almost, so deep and resonant. "You didn't ruin a single thing, sweetheart. I'm just glad you're still with us. Else I wouldn't have the chance to get to know the most uniquely, beautiful girl in our school or show her how fun life can be."

"I'd like to remind you, Lucas. That her cousin is still here and will break you in half if you dare to hurt her." Jaxson, being the protective brother I never had, glared at Lucas.

"It's almost impossible to break a diamond like her, Jaxson. But I promise I—"



A brand new chapter is finally here. And its broken into two parts. Sorry. I like two part chapters sometimes. They're fun. Couldn't resist a little cliffhanger. Lucas is back. And don't worry, I plan on making this story long enough for you guys to see their dynamic. I plan on having more scenes with those two. Trust. Now the next chapter...whew. Be prepared. 


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