Project groups gone offrails

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The burning feeling was suddenly back as Floyd entered his english class and took his seat as the overzealous king of their high school sat behind him. Damn he forgot that he not only had a social studies class with the prince but an english class too.

Floyd can hear Veneer's trimmed short almond shaped nails clacking against his phone screen as both his milky thumbs were rapidly typing out sentences. Who he was typing too beat Floyd but it didn't matter to him, with a zip of his bag he fetched his notebook and his pen.

The tanned 18 year old clicked his pen before tapping it on his empty blank notebook, he slightly hummed as he started to scribble little hearts and random song lyrics.

He heard Veneer's nails stop clicking against his screen and softly heard the pads of his fingers starting to swipe once he placed his phone down on the desk instead.

Floyd shivered at he thought he felt a puff of air at the back of his neck along with a slight inhale as the teacher walked in.

Floyd's sunshine colored eyes went straight to Veneers face as he whipped his head around only to see Veneer staring out the windows a completely empty look on his face as he was lost in his daydreaming. His fingers lightly tracing the screen of his cellphone as he clearly lost himself. Green nails mindlessly scratching against the rim of his phone between his device and its case.

Floyd could've swore that he felt the puff of air from someone's nose on him but he shook it off and went back to his note book, clearly still on edge as their teacher started talking about the Odyssey, the epic tale of a brave warrior making his way back home.

Right now they were in the section of the novel where Circe sends Odysseus into the underworld to receive his prophecy from the blind prophet Teiresias as he tries to get through his parlous journey to get back home to his wife.

However their English teacher side tracked because in his words to understand the underworld you must understand Hades and how he runs the underworld.

Floyd honestly thinks that the guy was just a little bit too excited about explaining greek mythology since he knew Mr. Moss liked the mythos of many different cultures. He didn't blame him, he too loved explaining his special interests to anyone who will listen and let him go on hour long rants about them until the world stopped spinning,

Especially his logic when it came to knowing the infamous tale of Hades and his bride, after all to understand hades you must comprehend his counterpart Persephone as they together were the two sides of the same coin, spring and winter, birth and death. They fit together to form the balance of the underworld.

Their teacher, Mr Moss then started to explain the tale of the queen of the underworld and how Persephone was a fair maiden who was ripped away from her mother into the cruel dark depths of the underworld, an almost giddiness to his voice as he blabbered on about the myth,

without any prior notice, a dark breathy whisper flooded Floyd's consciousness, the breath of air lightly kissing the lobes of his ears as it purred,

'You're my Persephone Floyd~'

Around Floyd's head went flying only again to see Veneer scrolling on his phone, that same eerily corpse like look plastered on his face that didn't budge from the last time he glanced back. With wheat colored eyes Floyd glanced down at the King of their high school's phone screen and saw that Veneer was on his shopping apps buying.... wedding lingerie?

Why would Veneer be looking at that especially during class?

But Floyd noticed how Veneer without acknowledging his gaze switched to a different app and went on his manic spending spree of purchasing expensive jewelry and makeup. The cart had 23 items before Floyd glanced back at Mr. Moss seeing his light tan curls swaying with his movements as he clicked through the slide show made Floyd let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding.

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