Highschool never ends

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Floyd knew he was weird, especially with his naturally pigmented magenta hair and amber colored eyes with his tan skin, he was unlike many of the other kids in their school who wore colored contacts or hair extensions and used hair dye to change their hair color.

He was also different with his sleek eyeliner looks with sharp wings along with his all black attire which consisted of a over sized short sleeved off the shoulder NIN shirt shredded jeans with chains and beads that clacked as he walked. A pair of combat boots on his feet with his small blue satchel like backpack slung over his shoulders as he roamed the halls, on his way to the lunch room.

A perk of his unique appearance however was he just weird enough to seamlessly slip through the cracks of bullying but not enough for random spontaneous moments of harassment.

Much like now as Floyd was lightly shoved into a locker by Orchid; aka Velvet's little girlfriend before the she beast giggled while she started to walking away on her way to the same lunch room as him.

He knew along with the entirety of their high school that she was Velvet's girlfriend since the 18 year old prissy prom queen stereotype announced their relationship to everyone who gave a shit about her relationship status.

Floyd didn't care but the whole damn school gobbled it up like a starving man being given food for the first time in a month.

Velvet who tugged Orchid around by a platinum leash was the stereotypical popular cheerleader with her snooty attitude and mean girl vibe that clung onto her like a second skin. Her freshly manicured nail clicking on her desk which was usually behind his in their science class, along with the loud obnoxious pops of her bubble gum in their choir class grating not only his ear drums but his last good nerve.

She didn't just act the snob part but dressed it too with her designer bags and real crushed velvet shorts, along with her revealing low hanging tops that revealed her cleavage.

Her baby blue eyes were outlined on a shimmering nude color and a sharp eyeliner wing, with her soft plush pink lips that were slathered in a thick layer of matching colored lipstick.

Her thick glossy emerald hair was always tied up in a high up ponytail decorated with either pink fluffy feathered scrunchies or rhinestone hair clips. On her slim small feet were high heels that at most were 6 inches but Velvet usually settled for small kitten heels.

Floyd could forgive the sultry attire but couldn't forgive her horrific attitude, she's not only sent kids to their wits ends but teachers weren't off her roster for her never ending torment. Even their principal was afraid of crossing her, going as far to turn a blind eye to the way she was running the joint.

His brother John once upon a time taught at their school during his freshman year until Velvet wormed herself under his skin and drove him to resign as a means to get the hell away from her.

Floyd couldn't blame his brother for that, especially right now as Velvet sat at the lunch table, her whiny irritating voice gratifying his itch to find a reason to end it all.

Orchid, the girl who literally shoved him into a locker moments before was draped on her arm, almost like an accessory much like those little chihuahuas in purses you see in the movies.

Her violet eyes glittering as she absorbed Velvet's every word as if she were Jesus Christ herself and Floyd wanted to vomit at her shameless display.

Those two were the hottest couple in their small high school and they were the envy of many. Floyd only heard rumors of how the two came together and it ranged from they were childhood friends to Velvet met her online and convinced her to move in with her.

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