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After the cops notified Floyd of his mothers murder his world suddenly became brighter, the house deathly quiet as Floyd eagerly filled it with his laughter. He never expected his words to come true especially after the police explained that she had went on one of her benders and apparently pissed off a drunk man who violently beat her into the dirt, smashing her face in using a rock; it was too close and personal to be the bride they concluded and just ruled it off as a random drunken attack.

Floyd definitely agreed, the bride's kills were gory sure but it was done with a malicious intent with her teasing and mocking her victims as she slowly yet creatively stripped the life from them. This was just a simple bloodbath the guy even used both hands to continuously smash the rock into her face making her completely unrecognizable.

It was too rage filled, too passionate. So Floyd was suddenly deemed the number one suspect until Veneer apparently proved his innocence by vouching to Ritz that they were working on the project when his mother died.

Everyone instantly let it go upon Veneer's confirmation that Floyd was innocent of the possible crime, the magenta haired teen certainly shivered as he was suddenly reminded how much power Veneer genuinely held in their school with him going back to normalcy in seconds flat.

Now Floyd walked down the halls his eyes glued to the floor as he made his way to the lunch room but making a pit stop at his locker first his mind kept wondering back to three weeks ago when he woke up in Veneer's arms, they were so warm and comfortable like solid silk.

Floyd bit his lip as he remembered how Veneer slipped into his bed with him after his little errand and held him as if he were the most precious gemstone he's ever bore witness to while the scent of apples were invading his nostrils as Veneer forwent any type of personal boundaries and snuggled into his back letting his nose dig into the back of Floyd's throat.

Floyd's thick swallow was the only sound in the room due to how Veneer's groin pressing against his behind which in return made him develop a thicker flush that consumed the entirety of his face as Veneer was so creepily close and he hated how there was a lack of an urge to push him off.

Even if there was he couldn't break off Veneer's grasp even if he wanted to; he was definitely stronger than he appeared as Floyd came to the conclusion that Veneer was sure as hell stronger than him and could easily overpower him if he wanted to.

Floyd groaning in pure anger upon that revelation cursing a higher entity as he subconsciously backed more into Veneer's lithe form, feeling those dull talons dig into the flesh of his stomach while the warm breath that caressed his ear made Floyd squirm.

He hated how much he loved it. His skin felt as if it were set aflame in a good way with his cock filling with blood at the feeling of Veneer's soft chilled snow like skin against his clammy toffee. It felt so comforting to have another body in the bed with him that Floyd just huffed and gave up on his feeble attempt of escape from Veneer's arms.

Ever since that night filled with unresolved tension from both parties he and Veneer only grew closer.

Now the two of them were on common talking terms with Veneer slowly becoming much more visible in his line of sight much like now as Veneer was currently leaning against his locker on his phone, he was holding a glass Tupperware container, Floyd squinted and saw how it was a still warm steaming portion of lasagna.

That was something new Floyd noticed once he and Veneer became pseudo-friends; Veneer always cooked him dishes and desserts, warming them up for him to eat at lunch instead of his usual apple, he certainly wasn't complaining as it was a hot meal plus Veneer was an amazing cook.

Unbeknownst to Floyd that this was a strategic method of getting him more comfortable with Veneer's more caring and loving side, planting the seeds of Veneer being wonderful husband material in Floyd's head without the magenta haired teen realizing it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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