Family feud

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"Well that seems to it-" Floyd smiled finally successfully finishing typing the last slideshow with their work cited but the sun was going down and it was already 8:55 so it would be rude to send Veneer away literally 5 minutes before the curfew was to start.

That's probably why Veneer brought his gym bag, he figured that Floyd wouldn't be a trash host especially since there was a serial killer on the loose. Veneer's theory was correct as Floyd let out a puff of air as he moved to his closet to grab the spare pillow he saved for the days Branch was allowed to come over.

Veneer smirked as Floyd moved to stretch after being at it for three whole hours until Floyd was satisfied with the plethora of cracks that rung through the air. Then picking up the white fluffy pillow and tossing it to Veneer who caught it effortlessly.

"Do you want a drink or something while I make us dinner?" Floyd stood up and cricked his neck smiling at his companions sly smile as he moved to make himself comfortable after placing the pillow next to Floyd's, spreading his body all over the bed taking up as much space as he could with his head of lime green hair hanging off the side of the bed.

"Don't you have like parents for that." Veneer rose an eyebrow especially since his mother always made her disgusting tasting breakfast. It was gross but she still tried to make them a breakfast that consisted of extremely burnt pancakes and obliterated bacon.

Veneer's mother couldn't cook for anything so Veneer along with his sister had to eat cereal due to their mother's extreme lack of skill. But she at least tried to take care of them the best way she could.

"Uhhh well- uhhh-" that wasn't a confident answer the green hair man noticed but he kept his mouth shut and moved along, by passing the answer entirely as to continue the conversation,

"Well then, can I just have water and what are you going to make?" Veneer turned laying on his stomach battering his eyelashes at Floyd who chuckled at Veneer's playful behavior and responded to his question,

"Honestly I was just gonna heat up some takeout from yesterday." Floyd's toffee colored fingers itched to back of his neck, tangling the digits into his magenta hair as he lightly chuckled as he was ill prepared for the possibility of Veneer demanding to come over the same day.

"That sounds nice, maybe we can watch something while we eat, I can log you into my PrimeFlicks account." Veneer mentality remarked about how he's done so much more for the tall man that he's officially caged in with as the stroke of nine finally hit.

"Oh wow that's really nice of you Ven." Veneer smirked at his partner's flushed face as he was so adorable when he was embarrassed. Especially when the flush expanded to his ears, that amount of blush that coated Floyd's features in such a lovely shade of paint was enough to make Veneer's heart swoon at It's cuteness.

"It's no problem hun, I don't mind sharing with you~" Veneer winked with a relaxed smile on his face as he battered his eyelashes at Floyd in a teasing manner.

"Uhh what are you doing?" Floyd stopped Veneer from fluffing up his pillow as he laid closer to the wall, almost as if that was where he was deciding to sleep.

"Getting comfortable Floydykins~" Veneer said that as if it were obvious, Floyd choked silently on air as he couldn't imagine sharing his bed with the second most popular kid at his school, one who he got instant creep vibes from.

"You are so not sleeping in my bed with me-" the magenta haired late teen started only to get checked by a snarky,

"I'm not sleeping on the ground like a fucking peasant, so suck it up buttercup." Veneer sneered daring Floyd to back talk him again but with an embarrassed flush consuming his face again bathing it in a cherry blossom pink, he moved out his door, ignoring Veneer's giggles of victory.

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