In the middle of the night

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Veneer stood over the magenta haired woman, the scent of alcohol was pungent enough to make him roll his eyes at her sloppily dressed state, Veneer could see the outline of her panties through the burgundy silken dress that looked like lingerie. It made him scoff especially since she looked like a skank in it but much to his dismay and how much he genuinely hated her for how she treated Floyd, she looked damn good in that mini dress despite the ugliness that lurked in her heart.

especially her hips and waist.. you know.. as Veneer gazed on he realized that she had the same hip and waist size as Veneer did.. besides the tiny breasts she had, Veneer was practically her size so if he was able to, he could almost flawlessly fit in the gown, so if he just did a little mending, it could be his.

He certainly would add a tasteful flare and make the dress look elegant and tasteful maybe even pairing it with a black pair of lacy panties and matching stockings.

Veneer leaned down and ran a finger down the gowns exterior specifically down the back of the dress and purred at the luxurious feel of the gown definitely too good for scum like her he hummed mentally.

he definitely wanted this one, especially since now he had a closer look he realized it was indeed a nightgown. This will be his new trophy from his kill oh how joyful he was at the aspect of adding a new article to his secret pile of claimed prizes, Veneer was a collector and did he love to collect from everyone he had laid waste too, he can recall his special stash and every article of clothing he had taken from his kills;

From Rodger he had taken a sleek golden mini jacket with rhinestoned shoulder pads with chain epaulettes. Cain he had snuck into his bedroom and had taken a pair of  magenta lacy boxers that he had to have tailored to fit his slim athletic figure.

From Creek it was his amazing quadruple chained butterfly belt that clipped onto his belly ring. He loved the accessory but didn't necessarily enjoy the kill, sure Creek was a creep but he never bothered Floyd. It felt unsatisfactory since he only slaughtered people who came into Floyd's life demanding a place within it,

But Ritz had paid him in his sister's supply of narcotics and enough anesthesia for her organ harvests to make sure Creek didn't make it into his new town after his girlfriend had shattered his knee caps.

As for his baby's admirers it was random scattered miscellaneous jewelry or accessories that didn't stand out; just like them. They meant nothing just like them as well; he was the only being that should matter in Floyd's life.

Now he got giddy as he now gets to have this stunning gown: this was his crowning achievement for slaying the worst of the worst in his darlings life. Oh he could imagine it vividly now, him showing off the nightgown to Floyd letting those warm toffee hands roam his silk covered waist as he peppered his thin milky neck with yellowish purple bruises. The idea of Floyd not even realizing where he had gotten the gown from sent electric erotic shocks straight to Veneer's cock.

But shook his head before he genuinely let his imagination demons run a muck in his head over Floyd's reaction to him in the dress, he had to earn it first.

But re-raking his gaze over the woman he shivered as the sight was eerily reminding him of his father, back when he used to go on his benders before eventually giving the liquor up and getting clean enough to be there for both him and Velvet especially after their grandma died only a year prior due to her liver quitting on her.

Veneer couldn't give a shit less about his father but Velvet adored their parents. That's why he hasn't killed them off yet, there were many times where he would sit at his mothers table chewing on his raisin bran eager to pierce his mother's eyes with his cereal spoon when she tap danced upon his last good nerves.

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