Fascinations always have beginnings

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Veneer sat on the edge of the bed, his happiness making him want to sing as he greedily sniffed his darlings bedsheets, humming at the delicious aroma of his unaware beloved's strawberry and blueberry scented body washes and shampoos that still lingered in them like a ghost.

Oh how he longed for the day he was granted such an exclusive access to his darlings bedroom. I mean there was only so much he could see from a safe distance that didn't alert his honey bun sugar pie that he was so obsessively close.

This massive obsessive crush on Floyd had developed into such a violent love sickness as he watched Floyd from afar, waiting patiently for when he had the opportunity to move in closer, weaseling himself into Floyd's life slowly.

He even went as far as to rearrange Mr. Moss's partner roster for their English class, his love for Floyd finally reaching It's boiling point as he overheard his pomegranate themed darling talking about some musical colleges that he could possibly get scholarships too, This love that he's silently harbored for Floyd lingered ever since that day when they met in elementary school, approximately 10 years ago.

It all started with Little Veneer as he just stood there at the front of the classroom, being introduced by the teacher, his nose length lime green hair up in a high little bun all due to his sister's insistence that he'd look cute with it with multiple locks of his hair spilling out.

Lime green locks draping themselves across his chubby cheeks and face that was scrunched in distaste at the other students.

With a huff he kept his head high as Velvet taught him and started trotting with small skittish steps towards his desk, the other kids snickering at his baby pink mini cargo shorts and oversized peach shaded polo shirt that was covered by a little red jacket with his light up shoes that Velvet convinced their parents to buy for the twins.

But Veneer kept hopping over to his seat, lightly snapping his silly bands that were gripping onto his tiny wrist as he nervously fiddled with them, the bands as a means to distract himself from the other children's gazes were a arrangement of different colors and shapes. They made him happy but the kaleidoscope of different colored orbs placing themselves on his wrists made him feel icky.

He didn't like the attention the way Velvet did and now he felt embarrassed as their piercing hot gazes along with their vulture like snickers hitting his eardrums and their stares refused to leave his figure.

As he sat down his pencil tapped against the desk and the teacher begun her task of teaching them some mathematics. But Veneer just puffed and looked out the window, imagining he was home back in texas with their summer trips to his grandparents in Alabama. Sad that he had to move away from everything he knew back in his hometown, forced to come here because of their parents old dental practice being shut down and this small town needed dentists.

But was brought back from his thoughts by a little paper spit ball hitting his hand that he rested his chin on. His sapphire blue eyes staring at the culprit; a peachy skinned boy with brown hair and teal hair extensions that smirked in his direction. The green haired boy just kept trying to go back to work, his little doe eyes watering as the balls kept hitting him until recess.

As soon as the bell rung, Veneer hopped outside excited by the aspect of seeing Velvet again since they put her in a different classroom than him but his search for his sister was cut short by his back being shoved.

Letting out a wail of surprise Veneer fell to the ground, tears cluttering as he looked up at his tormentor, it was the same peachy skinned boy who chose to spit paper at him in class.

"Well well well, if it isn't the funny sounding boy." Veneer only shrunk as the taller boy tried to mimic his accent in a taunting way as he just stood above him.

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