A project

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A ring of the door bell brought Floyd's feeble concentration to a complete halt as he practically tripped down the stairs in order to reach the door before his mother did.

Luck happened to be on his side for once and The magenta-haired woman who's claim to fame was being an ex club singer.

Floyd cringed in disgust as his mother laid sprawled out belly up like a dead fish on the plush couch his grandma paid for, the emerald green

her magenta hair was now clumped with sweat and bits of body fluids that Floyd didn't want to question as they appeared tousled around her head like a wild halo with frayed tangled locks that have singed like chicken in a fryer due to her excessive perming to get her signature crimp like curls.

Her fingers painted with an ugly milky brownish pink were curled loosely around a half-empty bottle of vodka with mashed up lemons floating like dead corpses in the translucent sea of poison, a testament to her night of debauchery only hours ago.

Her makeup was smudged making her appear as if someone put smeared harlequin pink lipstick on a raccoon, despite her chaotic fucked appearance, her baby blue eyes closed in peaceful slumber, and her long lashes casting delicate shadows on her cheeks.

The soft light filtering in through the curtains illuminated the delicate features of her face – a delicate straight nose, full lips slightly parted in sleep, and high cheekbones flushed with the remnants of last night's frivolous gluttony. Floyd despite being repulsed by how ugly she appeared was secretly grateful that those soft angelic traits which were passed down to him since it's gotten him far.

It's gotten him asked out a few times but those never worked out since most of his suitors went missing before the first date.

As the doorbell rung again, there was a sense of tranquility surrounding the wasted woman, as if she had finally succumbed to the exhaustion of her partying as her son stood over her, wanting to vomit at the strong pungent scent of alcohol that clutching her form like the film in your mouth after eating a buttercream frosting cupcake.

Her pinky purple lipstick with chunks of vomit clinging to her lip like a desperate lover.

She probably got to lazy to move herself to the down stairs bathroom. So with a grunt of annoyance Floyd threw a blanket over his mother's barely clothed form, praying to god that Veneer didn't see her; but he did have a pretty good advantage since the staircase was before the couch, therefore if he moved quick Veneer wouldn't notice.

But before he faced the creepy snob, Floyd fluffed up his hair and took a deep breath before opening the door to be greeted by his dreaded knight in shining armor.

Veneer was wearing his hair down; it was teased but down, his long tresses of sage green hair gently kissing the tops of his revealed milky shoulders.

Floyd flushed as he's never seen Veneer fully with his hair down and noticed how Veneer had set of bangs that are swept to the left side of his face. The bangs were similar to Floyd's in eye coverage and length but Veneer's were textured, with some strands being straight and others having a slight wave to them as it kissed his cheeks as they flipped to his left with a curl. They are of varying lengths, with some strands reaching down to his basil shaded eyebrows while others are shorter and framed his porcelain face flawlessly.

That made Floyd a tad curious about if his sister had the same exact type of hair he did but her hair was just hip length instead. Floyd shook his head and took in Veneer's outfit,

He observed how Veneer wore a golden glittery sleeveless halter top with ink shaded latex like leggings with a blue pair of platform open toed heels, his makeup done effortlessly as he had a backpack slung over his shoulder with a gym bag on his other arm.

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